Demo: fMRI searchlights with split-half correlation

This is a trivial exercise as it only requires adding one line of code

The output is a searchlight map showing where in the brain the neural patterns show category discrimination across six categories.

The data used here is available from

This example uses the following dataset: - 'ak6' is based on the following work (please cite if you use it): Connolly et al (2012), Representation of biological classes in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience, doi 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5547-11.2012

  Six categories (monkey, lemur, mallard, warbler, ladybug, lunamoth)
  during ten runs in an fMRI study. Using the General Linear Model
  response were estimated for each category in each run, resulting
  in 6*10=60 t-values.
  1. For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms, #
  2. see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA. #


Set data paths

The function cosmo_config() returns a struct containing paths to tutorial data. (Alternatively the paths can be set manually without using cosmo_config.)



% show readme information

% reset citation list

% set result directory
   #    #    #        #####     ######                      
  # #   #   #        #     #    #     #   ##   #####   ##   
 #   #  #  #         #          #     #  #  #    #    #  #  
#     # ###    ##### ######     #     # #    #   #   #    # 
####### #  #         #     #    #     # ######   #   ###### 
#     # #   #        #     #    #     # #    #   #   #    # 
#     # #    #        #####     ######  #    #   #   #    # 

fMRI responses to viewing images of six species in the animal kingdom, 
used in Connollly et al. 2012.


- s0[1-8]/                  This directory contains fMRI data from 8 of the 12 
                            participants studied in the experiment reported in 
                            Connolly et al. 2012 (Code-named 'AK6' for animal
                            kingdom, 6-species). Each subject's subdirectory 
                            contains the following data:
   - glm_T_stats_perrun.nii A 60-volume file of EPI-data preprocessed using 
                            AFNI up to and including fitting a general linear 
                            model using 3dDeconvolve. Each volume contains the 
                            t-statistics for the estimated response to a one 
                            of the 6 stimulus categories. These estimates were
                            calculated independently for each of the 10 runs 
                            in the experiment. 
   - glm_T_stats_even.nii   Data derived from glm_T_stats_perrun.nii.
   - glm_T_stats_odd.nii    Each is a 6-volume file with the T-values averaged
                            across even and odd runs for each category.
   - brain.nii              Skull-stripped T1-weighted anatomical brain image.
   - brain_mask.nii         Whole-brain mask in EPI-space/resolution.
   - vt_mask.nii            Bilateral ventral temporal cortex mask similar to 
                            that used in Connolly et al. 2012.
   - ev_mask.nii            Bilateral early visual cortex mask.
- models
   - behav_sim.mat          Matlab file with behavioural similarity ratings.
   - v1_model.mat           Matlab file with similarity values based on 
                            low-level visual properties of the stimuli.

The stimulus-specific volumes in the stats T-stats file are in the order

    monkey, lemur, mallard (duck), warbler, ladybug, lunamoth

for each of the ten runs.

When using this dataset for any publication please cite:

Connolly, A. C. , Guntupalli, J. S. , Gors, J. , Hanke, M. , Halchenko, Y. O., 
Wu, Y. , Abdi, H. and Haxby, J. V. (2012). Representation of biological classes 
in the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 32, 2608-2618. 
[PDF] DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5547-11.2012,

Andrew C. Connolly <andrew.c.connolly |at|>

Example: split-half correlation measure (Haxby 2001-style)


% This example uses the 'ak6' dataset

% define data filenames & load data from even and odd runs

data_path=fullfile(ak6_study_path,'s01'); % data from subject s01
mask_fn=fullfile(data_path, 'brain_mask.nii'); % whole brain mask



% Combine even and odd runs
ds_odd_even=cosmo_stack({ds_odd, ds_even});

% print dataset
fprintf('Dataset input:\n');

% Use cosmo_correlation_measure.
% This measure returns, by default, a split-half correlation measure
% based on the difference of mean correlations for matching and
% non-matching conditions (a la Haxby 2001).

% define spherical neighborhood with radius of 3 voxels. To do so,
% assign the value 3 to a variable named 'radius'
% This part is the only exercise. Because it is the first exercise, it is
% supposed to be easy. The only thing to do here is to replace the
% 'Your code here' comment by the following code:
%    radius=3
% Then should be able to run this script.
% >@@>
radius=3; % voxels
% <@@<

% Run the searchlight with a 3 voxel radius

% print output
fprintf('Dataset output:\n');

% Plot the output

% Define output location

% Store results to disc
cosmo_map2fmri(corr_results, output_fn);

% Show citation information
Dataset input:
  [ -0.0375     0.267      2.71  ...  0.581     0.564      0.55           
      0.145     0.457       1.3  ...  0.158     0.685     0.728           
     -0.269    -0.317      1.59  ...   0.11     0.616    -0.271           
       :         :          :           :         :        :              
     -0.811      -1.1      1.19  ...  0.623     0.244      1.21           
      -0.38   0.00723       1.1  ...   1.69      1.69   -0.0664           
     -0.713      -1.1     0.638  ...  0.622      0.71     0.526 ]@12x43822
    [ 1                                                                   
      2 ]@12x1                                                            
    [ 1                                                                   
      6 ]@12x1                                                            
    [ 31        32        36  ...  34        35        34 ]@1x43822       
    [ 17        17        17  ...  35        35        36 ]@1x43822       
    [ 1         1         1  ...  39        39        39 ]@1x43822        
      { 'i'                                                               
        'k' }                                                             
      { [ 1         2         3  ...  78        79        80 ]@1x80       
        [ 1         2         3  ...  78        79        80 ]@1x80       
        [ 1         2         3  ...  41        42        43 ]@1x43 }     
      [ 3         0         0      -122                                   
        0         3         0      -114                                   
        0         0         3     -11.1                                   
        0         0         0         1 ]                                 
      [ 80        80        43 ]                                          
+00:00:02 [####################] -00:00:00  mean size 111.5
+00:00:43 [####################] -00:00:00  
Dataset output:
      { 'i'                                                              
        'k' }                                                            
      { [ 1         2         3  ...  78        79        80 ]@1x80      
        [ 1         2         3  ...  78        79        80 ]@1x80      
        [ 1         2         3  ...  41        42        43 ]@1x43 }    
      [ 3         0         0      -122                                  
        0         3         0      -114                                  
        0         0         3     -11.1                                  
        0         0         0         1 ]                                
      [ 80        80        43 ]                                         
    [ 41        48        52  ...  41        41        38 ]@1x43822      
    [ 3         3         3  ...  3         3         3 ]@1x43822        
    [ 1         2         3  ...  4.38e+04  4.38e+04  4.38e+04 ]@1x43822 
    [ 31        32        36  ...  34        35        34 ]@1x43822      
    [ 17        17        17  ...  35        35        36 ]@1x43822      
    [ 1         1         1  ...  39        39        39 ]@1x43822       
  [ 0.0597    0.0884     0.347  ...  0.0876     0.125    0.0789 ]@1x43822
    { 'corr' }                                                           
If you use CoSMoMVPA and/or some other toolboxes for a publication, please cite:

J. Shen. NIFTI toolbox. available online from

N. N. Oosterhof, A. C. Connolly, J. V. Haxby (2016). CoSMoMVPA: multi-modal multivariate pattern analysis of neuroimaging data in Matlab / GNU Octave. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, doi:10.3389/fninf.2016.00027.. CoSMoMVPA toolbox available online from

The Mathworks, Natick, MA, United States. Matlab (R2016b) (September 7, 2016). available online from