function [map_x2y, map_y2x]=cosmo_align(x,y)
% find permutation so that values in two inputs are matched
% [map_x2y, map_y2x]=cosmo_align(x,y)
% Inputs:
% x } both x and y must be a cell with K elements, each
% y } being a vector or a cellstring with the same number
% of elements (say N). Alternatively it can
% be a single vector or cellstrings v, which is
% interpreted as {v}.
% Outputs:
% map_x2y a vector with N elements, so that for all values I in
% 1:K it holds that map_x2y(x{I}) is equal to y{I}.
% map_y2x a vector with N elements, so that for all values I in
% 1:K it holds that map_y2x(y{I}) is equal to x{I}.
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% # see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA. #