cosmo average samples hdr

function ds_avg=cosmo_average_samples(ds, varargin)
% average subsets of samples by unique combinations of sample attributes
% ds_avg=cosmo_average_samples(ds, ...)
% Inputs:
%   ds              dataset struct with field:
%     .samples      NS x NF
%     .sa           with fields .targets and .chunks
%   'ratio', ratio  ratio (between 0 and 1) of samples to select for
%                   each average. Not compatible with 'count' (default: 1).
%   'count', c      number of samples to select for each average.
%                   Not compatible with 'ratio'.
%   'resamplings',s Maximum number of times each sample in ds is used for
%                   averaging. Not compatible with 'repeats' (default: 1)
%   'repeats', r    Number of times an average is computed for each unique
%                   combination of targets and chunks. Not compatible with
%                   'resamplings'
%   'seed', d       Use seed d for pseudo-random sampling (optional); d
%                   can be any integer between 1 and 2^32-1.
%                   If this option is omitted, then different calls to this
%                   function may (usually: will) return different results.
%   'split_by',fs   A cell with fieldnames by which the dataset is split
%                   prior to averaging each bin.
%                   Default: {'targets','chunks'}.
% Returns
%   ds_avg          dataset struct with field:
%      .samples     ('repeats'*unq) x NF, where
%                   unq is the number of unique combinations of values in
%                   sample attribute as indicated by 'split_by' (by
%                   default, data is split by 'targets' and 'chunks').
%                   Each sample is an average from samples that share the
%                   same values for these attributes. The number of times
%                   each sample is used to compute average values differs
%                   by one at most.
%      .sa          Based on averaged samples.
%      .fa,.a       Same as in ds (if present).
% Examples:
%     % generate simple dataset with 3 times (2 targets x 3 chunks)
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('nreps',3);
%     size(ds.samples)
%     %|| [ 18 6 ]
%     cosmo_disp([])
%     %|| [ 1         1
%     %||   2         1
%     %||   1         2
%     %||   :         :
%     %||   2         2
%     %||   1         3
%     %||   2         3 ]@18x2
%     % average each unique combination of chunks and targets
%     ds_avg=cosmo_average_samples(ds);
%     cosmo_disp([]);
%     %|| [ 1         1
%     %||   1         2
%     %||   1         3
%     %||   2         1
%     %||   2         2
%     %||   2         3 ]
%     %
%     % for each unique target-chunk combination, select 50% of the samples
%     % randomly and average these; repeat the random selection process 4
%     % times. Each sample in 'ds' is used twice (=.5*4) as an element
%     % to compute an average. The output has 24 samples
%     ds_avg2=cosmo_average_samples(ds,'ratio',.5,'repeats',4);
%     cosmo_disp([],'edgeitems',5);
%     %|| [ 1         1
%     %||   1         1
%     %||   1         1
%     %||   1         1
%     %||   1         2
%     %||   :         :
%     %||   2         2
%     %||   2         3
%     %||   2         3
%     %||   2         3
%     %||   2         3 ]@24x2
% Notes:
%  - this function averages feature-wise; the output has the same features
%    as the input.
%  - it can be used to average data from trials safely without circular
%    analysis issues.
%  - as a result the number of trials in each chunk and target is
%    identical, so balancing of partitions is not necessary for data from
%    this function.
%  - the default behaviour of this function computes a single average for
%    each unique combination of chunks and targets.
%  - if the number of samples differs for different combinations of chunks
%    and targets, then some samples may not be used to compute averages,
%    as the least number of samples across combinations is used to set
%  - As illustration, consider a dataset with the following number of
%    samples for each unique targets and chunks combiniation
%    .sa.chunks     .sa.targets         number of samples
%    ----------     -----------         -----------------
%       1               1                   12
%       1               2                   16
%       2               1                   15
%       2               2                   24
%    The least number of samples is 12, which determines how many averages
%    are computed. Different parameters result in a different number of
%    averages; some examples:
%       parameters                      number of output samples for each
%                                       combination of targets and chunks
%       ----------                      ---------------------------------
%       'count', 2                      6 averages from 2 samples [*]
%       'count', 3                      4 averages from 3 samples [*]
%       'ratio', .25                    4 averages from 3 samples [*]
%       'ratio', .5                     2 averages from 6 samples [*]
%       'ratio', .5, 'repeats', 3       6 averages from 6 samples
%       'ratio', .5, 'resamplings', 3   12 averages from 6 samples
%    [*]: not all samples in the input are used to compute averages from
%         the output.
%    Briefly, 'ratio' or 'count' determine, together with the least number
%    of samples, how many samples are averaged for each output sample.
%    'resamplings' and 'repeats' determine how many averages are taken,
%    based on how many samples are averaged for each output sample.
% -  To compute averages based on other sample attributes than 'targets'
%    and 'chunks', use the 'split_by' option
% See also: cosmo_balance_partitions
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #