cosmo check external hdr

function is_ok=cosmo_check_external(external, raise_)
% Checks whether a certain external toolbox exists, or list citation info
% is_ok=cosmo_check_external(external[, raise_])
% Inputs:
%   external               string or cell of strings. Currently supports:
%                          'afni'      AFNI matlab toolbox
%                          'afni_bin'  AFNI binaries present (unix-only)
%                          'neuroelf'  Neuroelf toolbox
%                          'nifti'     NIFTI toolbox
%                          'fieldtrip' Fieldtrip
%                          'libsvm'    libSVM toolbox
%                          'surfing'   surfing toolbox
%                          'gifti'     GIfTI library for matlab
%                          'xunit'     xUnit unit test framework
%                          'moxunit'   MOxUnit unit test framework
%                          'matlabsvm' SVM classifier in matlab stats
%                                      toolbox (prior 2018a)
%                          'matlabcsvm'
%                          'svm'       Either matlabsvm or libsvm
%                          '@{name}'   Matlab toolbox {name}
%                          It can also be '-list', '-tic', '-toc',' or
%                          '-cite'; see below for their meaning.
%   raise_                 if true (the default), an error is raised if the
%                          external is not present.
% Returns:
%   is_ok                  boolean indicating whether the external is
%                          present. A matlab toolbox must be prefixed
%                          by a '@'. If external is a cell if P elements,
%                          then the output is a Px1 boolean vector.
%                          Special switches allowed are:
%                            '-list':   returns a cell of strings with
%                                       the available externals
%                            '-tic':    reset list of cached externals
%                                       (see note below)
%                            '-toc':    returns a cell of string of
%                                       all externals queried so far
%                            '-cite':   prints a list of publications to
%                                       cite based on the output from
%                                       '-toc'
% Examples:
%   % see if the AFNI matlab toolbox is available, if not raise an error
%   cosmo_check_external('afni')
%   % see if libsvm and neuroelf are available, if not raise an error
%   cosmo_check_external({'libsvm','neuroelf'});
%   % see if libsvm and neuroelf and store the result in
%   % the 2x1 boolean array is_ok. An error is not raised if
%   % either is not present.
%   is_ok=cosmo_check_external({'libsvm','neuroelf'},false);
%   % see if the matlab 'stats' toolbox is available
%   cosmo_check_external('@stats');
%   % list the available externals
%   cosmo_check_external('-list')
%   % reset the list of cached externals, so that using '-cite' below
%   % will only show externals checked since this reset
%   cosmo_check_external('-tic')
%   % check two externals
%   cosmo_check_external({'afni','neuroelf'});
%   % list the externals checked for since the last '-tic'
%   cosmo_check_external('-toc')
%   % list the publications associated with the externals
%   cosmo_check_external('-cite');
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #