function [confusion_matrix, classes]=cosmo_confusion_matrix(ds, varargin)
% Returns a confusion matrix
% Usage 1: mx=cosmo_confusion_matrix(ds)
% Usage 2: mx=cosmo_confusion_matrix(targets, predicted)
% Inputs:
% targets Nx1 targets for N samples, or a dataset struct with
% .sa.targets
% predicted NxM predicted labels (from a classifier), for N samples and
% M predictions per set of samples
% Returns:
% mx PxPxM matrix assuming there are P unique targets.
% mx(i,j,k)==c means that the i-th target class was classified
% as the j-th target class c times for the k-th set of
% samples.
% classes Px1 class labels.
% Example:
% ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('ntargets',3,'nchunks',4);
% args=struct();
% args.partitions=cosmo_nchoosek_partitioner(ds,1);
% args.output='winner_predictions';
% args.classifier=@cosmo_classify_lda;
% pred_ds=cosmo_crossvalidation_measure(ds,args);
% confusion=cosmo_confusion_matrix(,pred_ds.samples);
% cosmo_disp(confusion)
% %|| [ 3 0 1
% %|| 0 3 1
% %|| 1 0 3 ]
% confusion_alt=cosmo_confusion_matrix(pred_ds);
% isequal(confusion,confusion_alt)
% %|| true
% %
% % run a searchlight with tiny radius of 1 voxel (3 is more common)
% nbrhood=cosmo_spherical_neighborhood(ds,'radius',1,'progress',false);
% measure=@cosmo_crossvalidation_measure;
% sl_ds=cosmo_searchlight(ds,nbrhood,measure,args,'progress',false);
% %
% % the confusion matrix is 3x3x6, that is 6 3x3 confusion
% % matrices. Here the dataset is passed directly
% sl_confusion=cosmo_confusion_matrix(sl_ds);
% cosmo_disp(sl_confusion)
% %|| <double>@3x3x6
% %|| (:,:,1) = [ 4 0 0
% %|| 0 4 0
% %|| 0 1 3 ]
% %|| (:,:,2) = [ 4 0 0
% %|| 0 4 0
% %|| 0 1 3 ]
% %|| (:,:,3) = [ 2 1 1
% %|| 0 4 0
% %|| 1 0 3 ]
% %|| (:,:,4) = [ 4 0 0
% %|| 0 3 1
% %|| 0 1 3 ]
% %|| (:,:,5) = [ 3 0 1
% %|| 0 4 0
% %|| 1 1 2 ]
% %|| (:,:,6) = [ 3 0 1
% %|| 0 4 0
% %|| 1 1 2 ]
% % using samples that are not predictions gives an error
% ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('ntargets',3,'nchunks',4);
% confusion=cosmo_confusion_matrix(ds)
% %|| error('72 predictions mismatch targets, first is (1,1)=2.211999e+00')
% Notes:
% - this function counts the number of times each sample was classified
% as any target
% # For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms, #
% # see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA. #