cosmo crossvalidate hdr

function [pred, accuracy] = cosmo_crossvalidate(ds, classifier, partitions, opt)
% performs cross-validation using a classifier
% [pred, accuracy] = cosmo_crossvalidate(dataset, classifier, partitions, opt)
% Inputs
%   ds                  struct with fields .samples (PxQ for P samples and
%                       Q features) and .sa.targets (Px1 labels of samples)
%   classifier          function handle to classifier, e.g.
%                       @classify_naive_baysian
%   partitions          For example the output from nfold_partition
%   opt                 optional struct with options for classifier
%     .normalization    optional, one of 'zscore','demean','scale_unit'
%                       to normalize the data prior to classification using
%                       zscoring, demeaning or scaling to [-1,1] along the
%                       first dimension of ds. Normalization
%                       parameters are estimated using the training data
%                       and applied to the testing data.
%     .pca_explained_count   optional, transform the data with PCA prior to
%                            classification, and retain this number of
%                            components
%     .pca_explained_ratio   optional, transform the data with PCA prior to
%                            classification, and retain the components that
%                            explain this percentage of the variance
%                            (value between 0-1)
%    .check_partitions  optional (default: true). If set to false then
%                       partitions are not checked for being set properly.
%    .average_train_X   average the samples in the train set using
%                       cosmo_average_samples. For X, use any parameter
%                       supported by cosmo_average_samples, i.e. either
%                       'count' or 'ratio', and optionally, 'resamplings'
%                       or 'repeats'.
% Output
%   pred                Qx1 array with predicted class labels.
%                       elements with no predictions have the value NaN.
%   accuracy            scalar classification accuracy
%   test_chunks         Qx1 array with chunks of input dataset, if each
%                       prediction was based using a single classification
%                       step. Predictions with no or more than one
%                       classification step are set to NaN
% Examples:
%     % generate dataset with 3 targets and 4 chunks, first target is 3
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('ntargets',3,'nchunks',4,'target1',3);
%     % use take-1-chunk for testing crossvalidation
%     partitions=cosmo_nfold_partitioner(ds);
%     classifier=@cosmo_classify_naive_bayes;
%     % run crossvalidation
%     [pred,accuracy]=cosmo_crossvalidate(ds, classifier, ...
%                                                       partitions);
%     % show targets, chunks, and predictions labels for each of the
%     % four folds
%     cosmo_disp({,,pred},'threshold',inf)
%     %|| { [ 3    [ 1    [   3   NaN   NaN   NaN
%     %||     4      1        4   NaN   NaN   NaN
%     %||     5      1        5   NaN   NaN   NaN
%     %||     3      2      NaN     3   NaN   NaN
%     %||     4      2      NaN     5   NaN   NaN
%     %||     5      2      NaN     5   NaN   NaN
%     %||     3      3      NaN   NaN     3   NaN
%     %||     4      3      NaN   NaN     4   NaN
%     %||     5      3      NaN   NaN     5   NaN
%     %||     3      4      NaN   NaN   NaN     3
%     %||     4      4      NaN   NaN   NaN     4
%     %||     5 ]    4 ]    NaN   NaN   NaN     5 ] }
%     cosmo_disp(accuracy)
%     %||  0.917
%     %
%     % use take-2-chunks out for testing crossvalidation, LDA classifier
%     partitions=cosmo_nchoosek_partitioner(ds,2);
%     classifier=@cosmo_classify_lda;
%     % run crossvalidation
%     [pred,accuracy]=cosmo_crossvalidate(ds, classifier, ...
%                                                           partitions);
%     % show targets, chunks, and predictions labels for each of the
%     % four folds
%     cosmo_disp({,,pred},'threshold',inf)
%     %|| { [ 3    [ 1    [   5     5     3   NaN   NaN   NaN
%     %||     4      1        4     4     4   NaN   NaN   NaN
%     %||     5      1        5     5     4   NaN   NaN   NaN
%     %||     3      2        3   NaN   NaN     3     3   NaN
%     %||     4      2        4   NaN   NaN     4     4   NaN
%     %||     5      2        5   NaN   NaN     4     5   NaN
%     %||     3      3      NaN     5   NaN     3   NaN     3
%     %||     4      3      NaN     4   NaN     4   NaN     4
%     %||     5      3      NaN     5   NaN     5   NaN     5
%     %||     3      4      NaN   NaN     3   NaN     3     3
%     %||     4      4      NaN   NaN     4   NaN     4     5
%     %||     5 ]    4 ]    NaN   NaN     5   NaN     3     3 ] }
%     cosmo_disp(accuracy)
%     %||   0.778
%     %
%     % as the example above, but (1) use z-scoring on each training set
%     % and apply the estimated mean and std to the test set, and (2)
%     % use odd-even partitioner
%     opt=struct();
%     opt.normalization='zscore';
%     partitions=cosmo_oddeven_partitioner(ds);
%     % run crossvalidation
%     [pred,accuracy]=cosmo_crossvalidate(ds, classifier, ...
%                                                        partitions, opt);
%     % show targets, predicted labels, and accuracy
%     cosmo_disp({,,pred},'threshold',inf)
%     %|| { [ 3    [ 1    [ NaN     5
%     %||     4      1      NaN     4
%     %||     5      1      NaN     5
%     %||     3      2        3   NaN
%     %||     4      2        4   NaN
%     %||     5      2        5   NaN
%     %||     3      3      NaN     5
%     %||     4      3      NaN     4
%     %||     5      3      NaN     5
%     %||     3      4        3   NaN
%     %||     4      4        4   NaN
%     %||     5 ]    4 ]      3   NaN ] }
%     cosmo_disp(accuracy)
%     %||   0.75
% Notes:
%   - to apply this to a dataset struct as a measure (for searchlights),
%     consider using cosmo_crossvalidation_measure
%   - to average samples in the training set prior to training, use the
%     options provided by cosmo_average_samples prefixed by
%     'average_train_'. For example, to take averages of 5 samples, and use
%     each sample in the input approximately 4 times, use:
%           opt.average_train_count=5;
%           opt.average_train_resamplings=4;
% See also: cosmo_crossvalidation_measure, cosmo_average_samples
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #