cosmo dim find hdr

function [dim, index, attr_name, dim_name, values]=cosmo_dim_find(ds, dim_label, raise)
% find dimension attribute in dataset
% [dim, index, attr_name, dim_name]=cosmo_dim_find(ds, dim_label[, raise])
% Inputs:
%   ds              dataset struct
%   dim_label       dimension label
%   raise           if true, raise an error if the dimension is not found.
%                   Default: false
% Outputs:
%   dim             dimension where dim_label was found, 1=sample
%                   dimension, 2=feature dimension
%   index           position where dim_label was found, so that:
%                     ds.a.(dim_name).values{index}==dim_label
%   attr_name       'sa' if dim==1, 'fa' if dim==2
%   dim_name        'sdim' if dim==1, 'fdim' if dim==2
%   values          the values associated with the dimension
% Examples:
%     % fMRI dataset, find first voxel dimension
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','fmri');
%     [dim, index, attr_name, dim_name, values]=cosmo_dim_find(ds,'i');
%     disp(dim)
%     %|| 2
%     disp(index)
%     %|| 1
%     disp(attr_name)
%     %|| fa
%     disp(dim_name)
%     %|| fdim
%     cosmo_disp(values)
%     %|| [ 1 2 3 ]
%     % MEEG time-frequency dataset, find 'time' dimension
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','timefreq','size','big');
%     [dim, index, attr_name, dim_name, values]=cosmo_dim_find(ds,'time');
%     disp(dim)
%     %|| 2
%     disp(index)
%     %|| 3
%     disp(attr_name)
%     %|| fa
%     disp(dim_name)
%     %|| fdim
%     cosmo_disp(values)
%     %|| [ -0.2000 -0.1500 -0.1000 -0.0500 0 ]
%     %
%     % move 'time' from feature to sample dimension
%     dst=cosmo_dim_transpose(ds,'time',1);
%     [dim, index, attr_name, dim_name, values]=cosmo_dim_find(dst,'time');
%     disp(dim)
%     %|| 1
%     disp(index)
%     %|| 1
%     disp(attr_name)
%     %|| sa
%     disp(dim_name)
%     %|| sdim
%     cosmo_disp(values)
%     %|| [ -0.2000 ; -0.1500 ; -0.1000 ; -0.0500 ; 0 ]
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #