cosmo dim rename hdr

function ds=cosmo_dim_rename(ds, old_name, new_name, raise)
% rename dimension attribute name
% ds=cosmo_dim_rename(ds, old_name, new_name, raise)
% Inputs:
%   ds             dataset struct
%   old_name       original label of dimension
%   new_name       new label of dimension
%   raise          if true (default), raise an error if old_name is not
%                  found
% Output:
%   ds_renamed     dataset struct with renamed dimension
% Example:
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','timefreq');
%     cosmo_disp(ds.a.fdim)
%     %|| .labels
%     %||   { 'chan'
%     %||     'freq'
%     %||     'time' }
%     %|| .values
%     %||   { { 'MEG0111'  'MEG0112'  'MEG0113' }
%     %||     [ 2         4 ]
%     %||     [ -0.2 ]                            }
%     cosmo_disp(ds.fa)
%     %|| .chan
%     %||   [ 1         2         3         1         2         3 ]
%     %|| .freq
%     %||   [ 1         1         1         2         2         2 ]
%     %|| .time
%     %||   [ 1         1         1         1         1         1 ]
%     %
%     % rename 'freq' to 'frequency' (there is no good reason to do this
%     % except to illustrate its use here)
%     ds=cosmo_dim_rename(ds,'freq','frequency');
%     cosmo_disp(ds.a.fdim)
%     %|| .labels
%     %||   { 'chan'
%     %||     'frequency'
%     %||     'time'      }
%     %|| .values
%     %||   { { 'MEG0111'  'MEG0112'  'MEG0113' }
%     %||     [ 2         4 ]
%     %||     [ -0.2 ]                            }
%     cosmo_disp(ds.fa)
%     %|| .chan
%     %||   [ 1         2         3         1         2         3 ]
%     %|| .time
%     %||   [ 1         1         1         1         1         1 ]
%     %|| .frequency
%     %||   [ 1         1         1         2         2         2 ]
% Notes:
%  - a use case is renaming dimensions to time and freq
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #