cosmo dim transpose hdr

function ds=cosmo_dim_transpose(ds, dim_labels, target_dim, target_pos)
% move a dataset dimension from samples to features or vice versa
% ds_tr=cosmo_dim_transpose(ds, dim_labels[, target_dim, target_pos])
% Inputs:
%   ds              dataset struct
%   dim_labels      a single dimension label, or a cell with dimension
%                   labels. If target_dim is 1 [or 2], then all labels in
%                   dim_labels must be present in ds.a.fdim[sdim].values,
%                   and all labels in dim_labels must be a fieldname of
%                   ds.fa[sa].
%   target_dim      (optional) indicates that the dimensions in dim_labels
%                   must be moved from features to samples (if
%                   target_dim==1) or from samples to features (if
%                   target_dim==2). If omitted, it is deduced from
%                   dim_labels.
%   target_pos      (optional) the position which the first label in
%                   dim_labels must occupied after the transpose.
% Output:
%   ds_tr           dataset struct where all labels in dim_labels are
%                   in ds_tr.a.sdim[fdim] (if target_dim is 1 [or 2]), and
%                   where the fieldnames of[fa] is a superset of
%                   dim_labels.
%                   A field .fa.transpose_ids [.sa.transpose_ids] is added
%                   indicating the original feature [sample] id (column
%                   [row]) that the samples belonged too.
% Examples:
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','timefreq');
%     % dataset attribute dimensions are
%     % (<empty> [samples]) x (chan x freq x time [features])
%     cosmo_disp(ds.a.fdim)
%     %|| .labels
%     %||   { 'chan'
%     %||     'freq'
%     %||     'time' }
%     %|| .values
%     %||   { { 'MEG0111'  'MEG0112'  'MEG0113' }
%     %||     [ 2         4 ]
%     %||     [ -0.2 ]                            }
%     % transpose 'time' from features to samples
%     ds_tr_time=cosmo_dim_transpose(ds,'time');
%     % dataset attribute dimensions are (time) x (chan x freq)
%     cosmo_disp({ds_tr_time.a.sdim,ds_tr_time.a.fdim})
%     %|| { .labels         .labels
%     %||     { 'time' }      { 'chan'
%     %||   .values             'freq' }
%     %||     { [ -0.2 ] }  .values
%     %||                     { { 'MEG0111'  'MEG0112'  'MEG0113' }
%     %||                       [ 2         4 ]                     } }
%     % using the defaults, chan is moved from features to samples, and
%     % added at the end of .a.sdim.labels
%     ds_tr_time_chan=cosmo_dim_transpose(ds_tr_time,'chan');
%     % dataset attribute dimensions are (time x chan) x (freq)
%     cosmo_disp({ds_tr_time_chan.a.sdim,ds_tr_time_chan.a.fdim})
%     %|| { .labels                        .labels
%     %||     { 'time'  'chan' }             { 'freq' }
%     %||   .values                        .values
%     %||     { [ -0.2 ]  { 'MEG0111'        { [ 2         4 ] }
%     %||                   'MEG0112'
%     %||                   'MEG0113' } }                        }
%     % when setting the position explicitly, chan is moved from features to
%     % samples, and inserted to the first position in .a.sdim.labels
%     ds_tr_chan_time=cosmo_dim_transpose(ds_tr_time,'chan',1,1);
%     % dataset attribute dimensions are (chan x time) x (freq)
%     cosmo_disp({ds_tr_chan_time.a.sdim,ds_tr_chan_time.a.fdim})
%     %|| { .labels                        .labels
%     %||     { 'chan'  'time' }             { 'freq' }
%     %||   .values                        .values
%     %||     { { 'MEG0111'    [ -0.2 ]      { [ 2         4 ] }
%     %||         'MEG0112'
%     %||         'MEG0113' }           }                        }
%     %
%     % this moves the time dimension back to the feature dimension.
%     ds_orig=cosmo_dim_transpose(ds_tr_time,'time');
%     cosmo_disp(ds_orig.a.fdim)
%     %|| .labels
%     %||   { 'chan'
%     %||     'freq'
%     %||     'time' }
%     %|| .values
%     %||   { { 'MEG0111'  'MEG0112'  'MEG0113' }
%     %||     [ 2         4 ]
%     %||     [ -0.2 ]                            }
% Notes:
%   - This function is aimed at MEEG datasets (and for fMRI datasets with a
%     time dimension), so that time can be made a sample dimension
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #