cosmo disp hdr

function cosmo_disp(x,varargin)
% display the input as a string representation
% cosmo_disp(x,opt)
% Inputs:
%   x              any type of data element (can be a dataset struct)
%   opt            Optional struct with fields
%     .threshold   If the number of values in an array along a dimension
%                  exceeds threshold, then an array is showed in summary
%                  style along that dimension. Default: 5
%     .edgeitems   When an array is shown in summary style, edgeitems sets
%                  the number of items at the beginning and end of the
%                  array to be shown (separated by '...' in rows and by ':'
%                  in columns).
%                  Default: 3
%     .precision   Numeric precision, indicating number of decimals after
%                  the floating point
%                  Default: 3
%     .strlen      Maximal string lenght, if a string is longer the
%                  beginning and end are shown separated by ' ... '.
%                  Default: 20
%     .depth       Maximum recursion depth
%                  Default: 6
% Side effect:     Calling this function caused the representation of x
%                  to be displayed.
% Examples:
%     % display a complicated data structure
%     x=struct();
%     x.a_cell={[],{'cell within cell',[1 2; 3 4]}};
%     x.small_matrix=[10 11 12; 13 14 15];
%     x.big_matrix=reshape(1:200,10,20);
%     x.huge=2^40;
%     x.tiny=2^-40;
%     x.a_string='hello world';
%     x.a_struct.another_struct.func=@abs;
%     cosmo_disp(x);
%     %|| .a_cell
%     %||   { [  ]  { 'cell within cell'  [ 1         2
%     %||                                   3         4 ] } }
%     %|| .small_matrix
%     %||   [ 10        11        12
%     %||     13        14        15 ]
%     %|| .big_matrix
%     %||   [  1        11        21  ...  171       181       191
%     %||      2        12        22  ...  172       182       192
%     %||      3        13        23  ...  173       183       193
%     %||      :         :         :        :         :         :
%     %||      8        18        28  ...  178       188       198
%     %||      9        19        29  ...  179       189       199
%     %||     10        20        30  ...  180       190       200 ]@10x20
%     %|| .huge
%     %||   [ 1.1e+12 ]
%     %|| .tiny
%     %||   [ 9.09e-13 ]
%     %|| .a_string
%     %||   'hello world'
%     %|| .a_struct
%     %||   .another_struct
%     %||     .name
%     %||       'me'
%     %||     .func
%     %||       @abs
%     %
%     cosmo_disp(x.a_cell)
%     %|| { [  ]  { 'cell within cell'  [ 1         2
%     %||                                 3         4 ] } }
%     cosmo_disp(x.a_cell{2}{2})
%     %|| [ 1         2
%     %||   3         4 ]
%     % make a cell in a cell in a cell in a cell ...
%     m={{{{{{{{{{{'hello'}}}}}}}}}}};
%     cosmo_disp(m)
%     %|| { { { { { { <cell> } } } } } }
%     cosmo_disp(m,'depth',8)
%     %|| { { { { { { { { <cell> } } } } } } } }
%     cosmo_disp(m,'depth',Inf)
%     %|| { { { { { { { { { { { 'hello' } } } } } } } } } } }
%     % illustrate 'threshold' and 'edgeitems' arguments
%     cosmo_disp(num2cell('a':'k'))
%     %|| { 'a'  'b'  'c' ... 'i'  'j'  'k'   }@1x11
%     cosmo_disp(num2cell('a':'k'),'threshold',Inf)
%     %|| { 'a'  'b'  'c'  'd'  'e'  'f'  'g'  'h'  'i'  'j'  'k' }
%     cosmo_disp(num2cell('a':'k'),'edgeitems',2)
%     %|| { 'a'  'b' ... 'j'  'k'   }@1x11
%     % illustrate 'precision' argument
%     cosmo_disp(pi*[1 2],'precision',1);
%     %|| [ 3       6 ]
%     cosmo_disp(pi*[1 2],'precision',3);
%     %|| [ 3.14      6.28 ]
%     cosmo_disp(pi*[1 2],'precision',5);
%     %|| [ 3.1416      6.2832 ]
%     cosmo_disp(pi*[1 2],'precision',7);
%     %|| [ 3.141593      6.283185 ]
%     % illustrate n-dimensional arrays
%     x=zeros([2 2 1 2 3]);
%     x(:)=2*(1:numel(x));
%     cosmo_disp(x)
%     %|| <double>@2x2x1x2x3
%     %||    (:,:,1,1,1) =  [ 2         6
%     %||                     4         8 ]
%     %||    (:,:,1,2,1) =  [ 10        14
%     %||                     12        16 ]
%     %||    (:,:,1,1,2) =  [ 18        22
%     %||                     20        24 ]
%     %||    (:,:,1,2,2) =  [ 26        30
%     %||                     28        32 ]
%     %||    (:,:,1,1,3) =  [ 34        38
%     %||                     36        40 ]
%     %||    (:,:,1,2,3) =  [ 42        46
%     %||                     44        48 ]
%     cosmo_disp(reshape(char(65:72),[2 2 2]))
%     %|| <char>@2x2x2
%     %||    (:,:,1) = 'AC
%     %||               BD'
%     %||    (:,:,2) = 'EG
%     %||               FH'
%     cosmo_disp(zeros([2 3 5 7 0 2]))
%     %|| <double>@2x3x5x7x0x2 (empty)
%     % illustrate non-singleton structs
%     x=struct('x',{1 2; 3 4});
%     cosmo_disp(x);
%     %|| <struct>@2x2
%     %||    (1,1).x
%     %||           [ 1 ]
%     %||    (2,1).x
%     %||           [ 3 ]
%     %||    (1,2).x
%     %||           [ 2 ]
%     %||    (2,2).x
%     %||           [ 4 ]
%     x3=cat(3,x,x,x);
%     cosmo_disp(x3);
%     %|| <struct>@2x2x3
%     %||    (1,1,1).x
%     %||             [ 1 ]
%     %||    (2,1,1).x
%     %||             [ 3 ]
%     %||    (1,2,1).x
%     %||             [ 2 ]
%     %||      :        :
%     %||    (2,1,3).x
%     %||             [ 3 ]
%     %||    (1,2,3).x
%     %||             [ 2 ]
%     %||    (2,2,3).x
%     %||             [ 4 ]
% Notes:
%   - Unlike the builtin 'disp' function, this function shows the contents
%     of the input using recursion. For example if a cell contains a
%     struct, then the contents of that struct is shown as well
%   - A use case is displaying dataset structs
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #