cosmo distatis hdr

function res=cosmo_distatis(ds, varargin)
% apply DISTATIS measure to each feature
% res=cosmo_statis_measure(ds, opt)
% Inputs:
%    ds               dataset struct with dissimilarity values; usually
%                     the output from @cosmo_dissimilarity_matrix_measure
%                     applied to each subject followed by cosmo_stack. It
%                     can also be a cell with datasets (one per subject).
%    'return', d      d can be 'distance' (default) or 'crossproduct'.
%                     'distance' returns a distance matrix, whereas
%                     'crossproduct' returns a crossproduct matrix
%    'split_by', s    sample attribute that discriminates chunks
%                     (participants) (default: 'chunks')
%    'shape', sh      shape of output if it were unflattened using
%                     cosmo_unflatten, either 'square' (default) or
%                     'triangle' (which gives the lower diagonal of the
%                     distance matrix)
% Returns:
%    res              result dataset struct with feature-wise optimal
%                     compromise distance matrix across subjects
%      .samples
% Example:
%     % (This example cannot be documentation tested using Octave,
%     %  since Octave does not allow for-loops with evalc)
%     cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external('matlab');
%     %
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('nsubjects',5,'nchunks',1,'ntargets',4);
%     %
%     % define neighborhood (here a searchlight with radius of 1 voxel)
%     nbrhood=cosmo_spherical_neighborhood(ds,'radius',1,'progress',false);
%     %
%     % define measure
%     measure=@cosmo_dissimilarity_matrix_measure;
%     % each subject is a chunk
%     % compute DSM for each subject
%     sp=cosmo_split(ds,'chunks');
%     for k=1:numel(sp)
%         sp{k}=cosmo_searchlight(sp{k},nbrhood,measure,'progress',false);
%         sp{k}.sa.chunks=ones(6,1)*k;
%     end
%     % merge results
%     dsms=cosmo_stack(sp);
%     %
%     r=cosmo_distatis(dsms,'return','distance','progress',false);
%     cosmo_disp(r);
%     %|| .samples
%     %||   [     0         0         0         0         0         0
%     %||     0.818      1.09      0.77     0.653      1.03     0.421
%     %||     0.869       1.3      1.06      1.04     0.932      1.07
%     %||       :         :         :         :         :         :
%     %||      1.16     0.889      0.99     0.631      1.48     0.621
%     %||     0.268     0.952     0.965     0.462     0.943      1.04
%     %||         0         0         0         0         0         0 ]@16x6
%     %|| .fa
%     %||   .center_ids
%     %||     [ 1         2         3         4         5         6 ]
%     %||   .i
%     %||     [ 1         2         3         1         2         3 ]
%     %||   .j
%     %||     [ 1         1         1         2         2         2 ]
%     %||   .k
%     %||     [ 1         1         1         1         1         1 ]
%     %||   .nvoxels
%     %||     [ 3         4         3         3         4         3 ]
%     %||   .radius
%     %||     [ 1         1         1         1         1         1 ]
%     %||   .quality
%     %||     [ 0.685     0.742     0.617     0.648     0.757     0.591 ]
%     %||   .nchunks
%     %||     [ 5         5         5         5         5         5 ]
%     %|| .a
%     %||   .fdim
%     %||     .labels
%     %||       { 'i'  'j'  'k' }
%     %||     .values
%     %||       { [ 1         2         3 ]  [ 1         2 ]  [ 1 ] }
%     %||   .sdim
%     %||     .labels
%     %||       { 'targets1'  'targets2' }
%     %||     .values
%     %||       { [ 1    [ 1
%     %||           2      2
%     %||           3      3
%     %||           4 ]    4 ] }
%     %||   .vol
%     %||     .mat
%     %||       [ 2         0         0        -3
%     %||         0         2         0        -3
%     %||         0         0         2        -3
%     %||         0         0         0         1 ]
%     %||     .dim
%     %||       [ 3         2         1 ]
%     %||     .xform
%     %||       'scanner_anat'
%     %|| .sa
%     %||   .targets1
%     %||     [ 1
%     %||       2
%     %||       3
%     %||       :
%     %||       2
%     %||       3
%     %||       4 ]@16x1
%     %||   .targets2
%     %||     [ 1
%     %||       1
%     %||       1
%     %||       :
%     %||       4
%     %||       4
%     %||       4 ]@16x1
% Reference:
%   - Abdi, H., Valentin, D., O?Toole, A. J., & Edelman, B. (2005).
%     DISTATIS: The analysis of multiple distance matrices. In
%     Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society: International conference
%     on computer vision and pattern recognition, San Diego, CA, USA
%     (pp. 42?47).
% Notes:
%   - DISTATIS tries to find an optimal compromise distance matrix across
%     the different samples (participants)
%   - Output can be reshape to matrix or array form using
%     cosmo_unflatten(res,1)
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #