cosmo fmri dataset hdr

function ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset(filename, varargin)
% load an fmri volumetric dataset
% ds = cosmo_fmri_dataset(filename, [,'mask',mask],...
%                                   ['targets',targets],...
%                                   ['chunks',chunks])
% Inputs:
%   filename     One of:
%                * filename of fMRI dataset, it should end with one of:
%                   .nii, .nii.gz                   NIfTI
%                   .hdr, .img                      ANALYZE
%                   +{orig,tlrc}.{HEAD,BRIK[.gz]}   AFNI
%                   .vmr, .vmp, .vtc, .glm, .msk    BrainVoyager
%                   .mat                            SPM (SPM.mat)
%                   .mat:beta                       SPM beta
%                   .mat:con                        SPM contrast
%                   .mat:spm                        SPM stats
%                   .mat                            Matlab file with
%                                                   CoSMoMVPA or PyMVPA
%                                                   dataset.
%                * xff structure (from neuroelf's xff)
%                * nifti structure (from load_untouch_nii)
%                * FieldTrip source MEEG structure
%                * SPM structure
%                * CoSMoMVPA fMRI or MEEG source dataset structure
%                * PyMVPA fMRI dataset structure (exported using PyMVPA's
%                  cosmo.map2cosmo function)
%   'mask', m    Any input as for filename (in which case the output must
%                contain a single volume), or one of:
%                   '-all'     exclude features where all values are
%                              zero or NaN
%                   '-any'     exclude features where any value is
%                              zero or NaN
%                   '-auto'    require that '-all' and '-any' exclude the
%                              same features, and exclude the
%                              corresponding features
%                   true       equivalent to '-auto'
%                   false      do not apply a mask
%                The mask must have voxels at the same coordinates as the
%                data indicated by filename, although it may
%                have a different orientation (e.g. RAI, LPI, AIR).
%                Only voxels that are non-zero and not NaN are selected
%                from the data indicated by filename.
%                If 'mask' is not given, then no mask is applied and a
%                warning message (suggesting to use a mask) is printed if
%                at least 5% of the values are non{zero,finite}.
%   'targets', t optional Tx1 numeric labels of experimental
%                conditions (where T is the number of samples (volumes)
%                in the dataset)
%   'chunks, c   optional Tx1 numeric labels of chunks, typically indices
%                of runs of data acquisition
%   'volumes', v optional vector with indices of volumes to load. If
%                empty or not provided, then all volumes are loaded.
%   'block_size', b  optional block size by which data is read (if
%                supported by the format; currently NIfTI, ANALYZE, AFNI
%                and SPM. If this option is provided *and* a mask is
%                provided, then data is loaded in chunks (subsets of
%                volumes) that contain at most block_size elements each;
%                only data that survives the mask is then selected before
%                the next block is loaded.
%                The default value is 20,000,000, corresponding to ~160
%                megabytes of memory required for a block (using
%                numbers with double (64 bit) precsision).
%                The rationale for this option is to reduce memory
%                requirements, at the expensive of a possible increase of
%                duration of disk reading operations.
% Returns:
%   ds           dataset struct with the following fields:
%     .samples   NxM matrix containing the data loaded from filename, for
%                N samples (observations, volumes) and M features (spatial
%                locations, voxels).
%                If the original nifti file contained data with X,Y,Z,T
%                elements in the three spatial and one temporal dimension
%                and no mask was applied, then .samples will have
%                dimensions N x M, where N = T and M = X*Y*Z. If a mask
%                was applied then M (M<=X*Y*Z) is the number of non-zero
%                voxels in the  mask input dataset.
%     .a         struct with dataset-relevent data.
%     .a.fdim.labels   dimension labels, set to {'i','j','k'}
%     .a.fdim.values   dimension values, set to {1:X, 1:Y, 1:Z}
%     .a.vol.dim 1x3 vector indicating the number of voxels in the 3
%                spatial dimensions.
%     .a.vol.mat 4x4 voxel-to-world transformation matrix (base-1).
%     .a.vol.dim 1x3 number of voxels in each spatial dimension
%     .sa        struct for holding sample attributes (e.g., sa.targets,
%                sa.chunks)
%     .fa        struct for holding feature attributes
%     .fa.{i,j,k} indices of voxels (in voxel space).
% Notes:
%  - Most MVPA applications require that .sa.targets (experimental
%    condition of each sample) and .sa.chunks (partitioning of the samples
%    in independent sets) are set, either by using this function or
%    manually afterwards.
%  - Data can be mapped to the volume using cosmo_map2fmri
%  - SPM data can also be specified as filename:format, where format
%    can be 'beta', 'con' or 'spm' (e.g. 'SPM.mat:beta', 'SPM.mat:con', or
%    'SPM.mat:spm') to load beta, contrast, or statistic images,
%    respectively. When using 'beta', estimates for motion parameters and
%    intercepts (which in most cases are estimates of no interest) are
%    not returned. If format is omitted it is set to 'beta'.
%  - If SPM data contains a field .Sess (session) then .sa.chunks are set
%    according to its contents
%  - If a mask is supplied, then all features that are in the mask are
%    returned, even if some voxels contain NaN. To remove such features,
%    consider applying cosmo_remove_useless_data to the output of this
%    function.
% Dependencies:
% -  for NIfTI, analyze (.hdr/.img) and SPM.mat files, it requires the
%    NIfTI toolbox by Jimmy Shen
%    (note that his toolbox is included in CoSMoMVPA in /externals)
% -  for Brainvoyager files (.vmp, .vtc, .msk, .glm), it requires the
%    NeuroElf toolbox, available from:
% -  for AFNI files (+{orig,tlrc}.{HEAD,BRIK[.gz]}) it requires the AFNI
%    Matlab toolbox, available from:
% Examples:
%     % load nifti file
%     ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset('mydata.nii');
%     % load gzipped nifti file
%     ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset('mydata.nii.gz');
%     % load ANALYZE file and apply brain mask
%     ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset('mydata.hdr','mask','brain_mask.hdr');
%     % load AFNI file with 6 'bricks' (values per voxel, e.g. beta
%     % values); set chunks (e.g. runs) and targets (experimental
%     % conditions); use a mask
%     ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset('mydata+tlrc', 'chunks', [1 1 1 2 2 2]', ...
%                                     'targets', [1 2 3 1 2 3]', ...
%                                     'mask', 'masks/brain_mask+tlrc);
%     % load BrainVoyager VMR file in directory 'mydata', and apply an
%     % automask that removes all features (voxels) that are zero or
%     % non-finite for all samples
%     ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset('mydata/mydata.vmr', 'mask', true);
%     % load two datasets, one for odd runs, the other for even runs, and
%     % combine them into one dataset. Note that the chunks are set here,
%     % but the targets are not - for subsequent analyses this may have to
%     % be done manually
%     ds_even=cosmo_fmri_dataset('data_even_runs.glm','chunks',1);
%     ds_odd=cosmo_fmri_dataset('data_odd_runs.glm','chunks',2);
%     ds=cosmo_stack({ds_even,ds_odd});
%     % load beta values from SPM GLM analysis stored
%     % in a file SPM.mat.
%     % If SPM.mat contains a field .Sess (sessions) then .sa.chunks
%     % is set according to the contents of .Sess.
%     ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset('path/to/SPM.mat');
%     % as above, and apply an automask to remove voxels that
%     % are zero or non-finite in all samples.
%     ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset('path/to/SPM.mat','mask',true);
%     % load contrast beta values from SPM GLM file SPM.mat
%     ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset('path/to/SPM.mat:con');
%     % load contrast statistic values from SPM GLM file SPM.mat
%     ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset('path/to/SPM.mat:spm');
%     % load PyMVPA dataset 'pymvpa_ds' that was exported using
%     % PyMVPA's cosmo.map2cosmo function in Python with:
%     %
%     %    >>> from mvpa2.datasets import cosmo
%     %    >>> cosmo.map2cosmo(pymvpa_ds,'data.mat')
%     %
%     cosmo_ds=cosmo_fmri_dataset('data.mat')
% See also: cosmo_map2fmri
% part of the NIfTI code is based on code by Robert W Cox, 2003,
% dedicated to the public domain.
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #