function tf=cosmo_isequaln(x,y)
% compares two input for equality with NaNs considered being equal
% tf=cosmo_isequaln(x,y)
% Inputs:
% x first input
% y second input, to be compared with first input
% Output:
% tf true if x and y are equal, with NaNs considered
% to be equal; false otherwise
% Examples:
% cosmo_isequaln(2,2)
% > true
% cosmo_isequaln(2,3)
% > false
% % using the builtin isequal, NaNs are considered not equal
% isequal(NaN,NaN)
% > false
% % using cosmo_isequaln, NaNs are considered to be equal to each other
% cosmo_isequaln(NaN,NaN)
% > true