cosmo map pca hdr

function [pca_ds, pca_params]=cosmo_map_pca(ds, varargin)
% normalize dataset either by estimating or applying estimated parameters
% [pca_ds, pca_params]=cosmo_map_pca(ds[, ...])
% Inputs
%   ds                          a dataset struct with field .samples of
%                               numeric array of size PxQ, or a
%                               numeric array of that size
%   'pca_params',p              previously estimated pca parameters using
%                               the 'pca_params' output result from a
%                               previous call to this function
%   'pca_explained_count',c     retain only the first components
%   'pca_explained_ratio',r     retain the first components that explain
%                               (r * 100)% of the
%                               variance (value between 0 and 1, where 1
%                               retains all components)
%   'max_feature_count',mx      Raise an error if Q>mx (default: mx=1000).
%                               This protects against possible comutations
%                               that require much memory and/or time when
%                               computing singular value decompositions
% Output
%   pca_ds                      a dataset struct similar to ds, but
%                               with .samples data transformed using pca.
%                               If the input was a numeric array, then
%                               pca_ds is numeric as well
%   params                      estimated parameters for pca. These can be
%                               re-used for a second pca step of an
%                               independent dataset. For example,
%                               parameters can be estimated from a
%                               training dataset and then applied to a
%                               testing dataset
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #