cosmo normalize hdr

function [ds, params]=cosmo_normalize(ds, params, dim)
% normalize dataset either by estimating or applying estimated parameters
% [ds, est_params]=cosmo_normalize(ds, norm_type[, dim])
% Inputs
%   ds            a dataset struct with field .samples of size PxQ, or a
%                 numeric array of that size
%   params        either the type of normalization:
%                   - 'demean'     (mean of zero)
%                   - 'zscore'     (demean and unit variance)
%                   - 'scale_unit' (scale to interval [-1,1])
%                 -or-
%                 previously estimated parameters using the 'params'
%                 output result from a previous call to this function.
%   dim           1 or 2, indicating along with dimension of ds to
%                 normalize (if params it not a string and ends with '1' or
%                 2').
% Output
%   ds_norm       a dataset struct similar to ds, but with .samples data
%                 normalized. If the input was a numeric array then ds_norm
%                 is a numeric array as well.
%   params        estimated parameters for normalization. These can be
%                 re-used for a second normalization step of an independant
%                 dataset. For example, parameters can be estimated from a
%                 training dataset and then applied to a testing dataset
% Examples:
%     ds=struct();
%     ds.samples=reshape(1:15,5,3)*2;
%     cosmo_disp(ds);
%     %|| .samples
%     %||   [  2        12        22
%     %||      4        14        24
%     %||      6        16        26
%     %||      8        18        28
%     %||     10        20        30 ]
%     %
%     % demean along first dimension
%     dsn=cosmo_normalize(ds,'demean',1);
%     cosmo_disp(dsn);
%     %|| .samples
%     %||   [ -4        -4        -4
%     %||     -2        -2        -2
%     %||      0         0         0
%     %||      2         2         2
%     %||      4         4         4 ]
%     %
%     % demean along second dimension
%     dsn=cosmo_normalize(ds,'demean',2);
%     cosmo_disp(dsn);
%     %|| .samples
%     %||   [ -10         0        10
%     %||     -10         0        10
%     %||     -10         0        10
%     %||     -10         0        10
%     %||     -10         0        10 ]
%     %
%     % scale to range [-1,1] along first dimension
%     dsn=cosmo_normalize(ds,'scale_unit',1);
%     cosmo_disp(dsn);
%     %|| .samples
%     %||   [   -1        -1        -1
%     %||     -0.5      -0.5      -0.5
%     %||        0         0         0
%     %||      0.5       0.5       0.5
%     %||        1         1         1 ]
%     %
%     % z-score along first dimension
%     dsn=cosmo_normalize(ds,'zscore',1);
%     cosmo_disp(dsn);
%     %|| .samples
%     %||   [  -1.26     -1.26     -1.26
%     %||     -0.632    -0.632    -0.632
%     %||          0         0         0
%     %||      0.632     0.632     0.632
%     %||       1.26      1.26      1.26 ]
%     %
%     % z-score along second dimension
%     dsn=cosmo_normalize(ds,'zscore',2);
%     cosmo_disp(dsn);
%     %|| .samples
%     %||   [ -1         0         1
%     %||     -1         0         1
%     %||     -1         0         1
%     %||     -1         0         1
%     %||     -1         0         1 ]
%     %
%     % use samples 1, 3, and 4 to estimate parameters ('training set'),
%     % and apply these to samples 2 and 5
%     ds_train=cosmo_slice(ds,[1 3 4]);
%     ds_test=cosmo_slice(ds,[2 5]);
%     [dsn_train,params]=cosmo_normalize(ds_train,'scale_unit', 1);
%     cosmo_disp(dsn_train);
%     %|| .samples
%     %||   [    -1        -1        -1
%     %||     0.333     0.333     0.333
%     %||         1         1         1 ]
%     %
%     % show estimated parameters (min and max for each column, in this
%     % case)
%     cosmo_disp(params);
%     %|| .method
%     %||   'scale_unit'
%     %|| .dim
%     %||   [ 1 ]
%     %|| .min
%     %||   [ 2        12        22 ]
%     %|| .max
%     %||   [ 8        18        28 ]
%     %
%     % apply parameters to test dataset
%     dsn_test=cosmo_normalize(ds_test,params);
%     cosmo_disp(dsn_test);
%     %|| .samples
%     %||   [ -0.333    -0.333    -0.333
%     %||       1.67      1.67      1.67 ]
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #