function s=cosmo_squareform(x, varargin)
% converts pair-wise distances between matrix and vector form
% s=cosmo_squareform(x[, direction])
% Inputs:
% x One of:
% - NxN distance matrix; x must be symmetric and have zeros
% on the diagonal
% - 1xM distance vector
% direction Optional. If provided it must be 'tovector' (if x is a
% matrix) or 'tomatrix' (if x is a vector). If not provided
% it is set to 'tovector' if x is a matrix and to 'tomatrix'
% if x is a vector
% Returns:
% s One of:
% - NxN distance matrix, if direction=='tomatrix'
% - 1xM distance vector, if direction=='tovector'
% it must hold that N*(N-1)/2=M
% Notes:
% - this function provides the same functionality as the built-in function
% ''squareform'' in the matlab stats toolbox.
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% # see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA. #