cosmo structjoin hdr

function s=cosmo_structjoin(varargin)
% joins values in structs or key-value pairs
% s=cosmo_structjoin(arg1, arg2, ...)
% Inputs:
%   arg{X}      Any of the following:
%               - if a cell, then it should contain structs or key-value
%                 pairs
%               - if a struct, then value=arg{X}.(key) for each key in
%                 fieldnames(arg{X}) is stored as s.(key)=value.
%                 In this case, it is required that the struct is of size
%                 1x1.
%               - if a string, then it is stored as s.(arg{X})=arg{X+1}
% Returns:
%   s           Struct with fieldnames and their associated values
%               as key-value pairs. Values in the input are stored from
%               left-to-right.
% Example:
%     x=cosmo_structjoin('a',{1;2},'b',{3,4});
%     cosmo_disp(x);
%     %|| .a
%     %||   { [ 1 ]
%     %||     [ 2 ] }
%     %|| .b
%     %||   { [ 3 ]  [ 4 ] }
%     y=cosmo_structjoin(x,'a',66,'x',x,{'c','hello'});
%     cosmo_disp(y);
%     %|| .a
%     %||   [ 66 ]
%     %|| .b
%     %||   { [ 3 ]  [ 4 ] }
%     %|| .x
%     %||   .a
%     %||     { [ 1 ]
%     %||       [ 2 ] }
%     %||   .b
%     %||     { [ 3 ]  [ 4 ] }
%     %|| .c
%     %||   'hello'
%     % simulate a function definition function out=f(varargin)
%     % to illustrate overriding default values
%     varargin={'radius',2,'nsamples',12};
%     defaults=struct();
%     defaults.radius=10;
%     defaults.nfeatures=2;
%     params=cosmo_structjoin(defaults,varargin);
%     cosmo_disp(params);
%     %|| .radius
%     %||   [ 2 ]
%     %|| .nfeatures
%     %||   [ 2 ]
%     %|| .nsamples
%     %||   [ 12 ]
%     % illustrate overriding values in 'sub-structs' (structs as values in
%     % other structs)
%     v=struct();
%     v.b=3;
%     w=struct();
%     w.c=4;
%     j=cosmo_structjoin(v,w);
%     cosmo_disp(j)
%     %|| .a
%     %||   .foo
%     %||     { [ 1 ]  [ 2 ] }
%     %||   .bar
%     %||     [ 2         3 ]
%     %|| .b
%     %||   [ 3 ]
%     %|| .c
%     %||   [ 4 ]
% Notes:
%  - this function can be used to parse input arguments (including
%    varargin in a "'key1',value1,'key2',value2,..." fashion)
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #