cosmo warning hdr

function varargout=cosmo_warning(message, varargin)
% show a warning message; by default just once for each message
% cosmo_warning(message, ...)
% cosmo_warning(state)
% state=cosmo_warning()
% Inputs:
%   message      warning message to be shown, or one of:
%                'on'   : show all warning messages
%                'off'  : show no warning messages
%                'once' : show each warning message once [default]
%                'reset':
%   ...          if a warning message is provided according with
%                placeholders as used in sprintf, then the subsequent
%                arguments should contain their values
%   state        if a struct, then this queries or sets the state of
%                cosmo_warning.
% Notes:
%   - this function works more or less like matlab's warning function,
%     except that by default each warning is just shown once.
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #