cosmo wtf hdr

function s=cosmo_wtf(param)
% return system, toolbox and externals information
% s=cosmo_wtf([param])
% Parameters
%   param     optional; if provided it can be 'is_octave' or 'is_matlab'
% Output:
%   s         - if param is not provided it returns a string
%               representation with system information;
%             - if param is 'is_{octave,matlab}' a boolean is returned
%             - if param is 'version_number' then a numeric vector with
%               version information is returned; for example version
%                '' results in [8, 5, 0, 197613].
%             - if param is one of 'computer', 'environment', version',
%               'toolboxes', 'cosmo_externals', 'cosmo_files', or 'java',
%               then the information of that parameter is returned.
% Examples:
%   % print the information to standard out (the command window)
%   cosmo_wtf();
%   % store the information in the variable 'w':
%   w=cosmo_wtf();
%   % see if this environment is octave
%   b=cosmo_wtf('is_octave');
% Notes:
%  - this function is intended to get system information in user support
%    situations.
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #