cosmo config hdr

function [config,fn]=cosmo_config(fn, config)
% return a struc with configuration settings, or store such settings
% Usages:
% - get the configuation (either default, or what is in '.cosmomvpa.cfg'):
%   >> config=cosmo_config();
% - read configuration from a specified file
%   >> config=cosmo_config(fn)
% - store configuration in a file
%   >> cosmo_config(fn, to_store)
% - related function (in CoSMoMVPA's 'examples/' directory):
%   >> cosmo_wizard_set_config
% Inputs:
%   fn          optional filename of a configuration file.
%               This can either be a path of a file, or (on Unix platforms)
%               a filename in the user's home directory.
%               If fn is omitted, then it defaults to '.cosmomvpa.cfg'
%               and will read the configuration from that file if it
%               exists in one of the aforementioned locations; see the
%               notes below for details.
%   to_store    optional struct with configuration to store.
%               If omitted then the configuration is not stored.
% Returns:
%   config      Struct with configurations
% Notes:
%  - the rationale for this function is to keep the example code fixed
%    (that is, without any paths hard-coded) and still allow each
%    user to store the example data in a directory of their choice.
%  - the format for a configuration file is of the form <key>=<value>,
%    where <key> cannot contain the '=' character and <value> cannot start
%    or end with a white-space character.