cosmo cross neighborhood hdr

function crossed_nbrhood=cosmo_cross_neighborhood(ds, nbrhoods, varargin)
% cross neighborhoods along dataset dimensions
% crossed_nbrhood=cosmo_cross_neighborhood(ds,nbrhoods,...)
% Inputs:
%   ds            dataset struct
%   nbrhoods      1xK cell with neighborhood structs. Each element can be
%                 the output from cosmo_spherical_neighborhood,
%                 cosmo_meeg_chan_neighborhood,
%                 cosmo_surficial_neighborhood, or
%                 cosmo_interval_neighborhood.
%   'progress',p  if p is true, then progress is shown
% Returns:
%   crossed_nbrhood neighborhood struct with fields .[f]a and .neighbors,
%                   constructed by intersecting the neighborhoods from the
%                   input.
% Example:
%     % Illustrate neighborhood by crossing freq and time, with freq
%     % 5 bins wide and time 3 bins wide. Each neighborhood contains all
%     % the channels, repeated up to 5*3=15 times (fewer at the border)
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','timefreq','size','big');
%     freq_nbrhood=cosmo_interval_neighborhood(ds,'freq','radius',3);
%     time_nbrhood=cosmo_interval_neighborhood(ds,'time','radius',5);
%     nbrhood=cosmo_cross_neighborhood(ds, {freq_nbrhood, time_nbrhood},...
%                                                    'progress',false);
%     cosmo_disp(nbrhood.a.fdim)
%     %|| .values
%     %||   { [ 2         4         6  ...  10        12        14 ]@1x7
%     %||     [ -0.2     -0.15      -0.1     -0.05         0 ]           }
%     %|| .labels
%     %||   { 'freq'
%     %||     'time' }
%     cosmo_disp(nbrhood.fa)
%     %|| .freq
%     %||   [ 1         2         3  ...  5         6         7 ]@1x35
%     %|| .time
%     %||   [ 1         1         1  ...  5         5         5 ]@1x35
%     cosmo_disp(nbrhood.neighbors)
%     %|| { [ 1   2   3  ...  9.79e+03  9.79e+03  9.79e+03 ]@1x6120
%     %||   [ 1   2   3  ...  1.01e+04  1.01e+04  1.01e+04 ]@1x7650
%     %||   [ 1   2   3  ...  1.04e+04  1.04e+04  1.04e+04 ]@1x9180
%     %||                                    :
%     %||   [ 307 308 309  ...  1.07e+04  1.07e+04  1.07e+04 ]@1x9180
%     %||   [ 613 614 615  ...  1.07e+04  1.07e+04  1.07e+04 ]@1x7650
%     %||   [ 919 920 921  ...  1.07e+04  1.07e+04  1.07e+04 ]@1x6120 }@35x1
% See also: cosmo_spherical_neighborhood, cosmo_meeg_chan_neighborhood,
%           cosmo_interval_neighborhood
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #