cosmo meeg find layout hdr

function layout=cosmo_meeg_find_layout(ds, varargin)
% finds an MEEG channel layout associated with a dataset
% layout=cosmo_meeg_find_layout(ds, varargin)
% Inputs:
%   'chantype', ct     string indicating the channel type (if the dataset
%                      has channel labels that allow for different types of
%                      channels. Depending on the dataset, possible options
%                      are:
%                      - 'meg_planar'               pairs of planar MEG
%                      - 'meg_axial'                axial MEG
%                      - 'meg_planar_combined'      combined planar MEG
%                      - 'meg_combined_from_planar' pairs of planar MEG [*]
%                      - 'eeg'                      eeg channels
% Output:
%   layout             MEG channel layout with fields
%                      .pos     Nx2 x and y coordinates (for N channels)
%                      .width   Nx1 channel widths
%                      .height  Nx1 channel heights
%                      .label   Nx1 cell with channel labels
%                      .name    string with name of layout
%                      [*] when chantype is set to
%                      'meg_combined_from_planar', layout also contains a
%                      field .parent which is a layout in itself for the
%                      'meg_planar_combined channels'. In that case,
%                      layout.parent has the .pos, .width, .height, .label
%                      and .name fields (all of size Mx1 or Mx2 for M
%                      planar-combined channels, and in addition a cell
%                      .child_label (of size Mx1) which contains the
%                      channel labels in
% Examples:
%     % (This example requires FieldTrip)
%     cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external('fieldtrip');
%     %
%     % generate neuromag306 dataset
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','meeg','sens','neuromag306_all');
%     % get layout for the planar channels
%     pl_layout=cosmo_meeg_find_layout(ds,'chantype','meg_planar');
%     cosmo_disp(pl_layout.label)
%     %|| { 'MEG0113'
%     %||   'MEG0112'
%     %||   'MEG0122'
%     %||      :
%     %||   'MEG2643'
%     %||   'COMNT'
%     %||   'SCALE'   }@206x1
%     cosmo_disp([pl_layout.pos pl_layout.width pl_layout.height])
%     %|| [ -0.408     0.253    0.0358    0.0369
%     %||   -0.408     0.284    0.0358    0.0369
%     %||   -0.328     0.285    0.0358    0.0369
%     %||      :        :          :         :
%     %||    0.373   -0.0821    0.0358    0.0369
%     %||   -0.547      -0.5    0.0358    0.0369
%     %||    0.547      -0.5    0.0358    0.0369 ]@206x4
%     %|| 'neuromag306planar.lay'
%     %
%     % get layout for axial (magnetometer) channels
%     mag_layout=cosmo_meeg_find_layout(ds,'chantype','meg_axial');
%     cosmo_disp(mag_layout.label);
%     %|| { 'MEG0111'
%     %||   'MEG0121'
%     %||   'MEG0131'
%     %||      :
%     %||   'MEG2641'
%     %||   'COMNT'
%     %||   'SCALE'   }@104x1
%     %
%     % get layout for planar channels, but add a 'parent' layout which has the
%     % combined_planar channels
%     combined_from_planar_layout=cosmo_meeg_find_layout(ds,'chantype',...
%                                             'meg_combined_from_planar');
%     cosmo_disp(combined_from_planar_layout.label);
%     %|| { 'MEG0113'
%     %||   'MEG0112'
%     %||   'MEG0122'
%     %||      :
%     %||   'MEG2643'
%     %||   'COMNT'
%     %||   'SCALE'   }@206x1
%     cosmo_disp(combined_from_planar_layout.parent.label);
%     %|| { 'MEG0112+0113'
%     %||   'MEG0122+0123'
%     %||   'MEG0132+0133'
%     %||         :
%     %||   'MEG2642+2643'
%     %||   'COMNT'
%     %||   'SCALE'        }@104x1
%     cosmo_disp(combined_from_planar_layout.parent.child_label);
%     %|| { { 'MEG0112'
%     %||     'MEG0113' }
%     %||   { 'MEG0122'
%     %||     'MEG0123' }
%     %||   { 'MEG0132'
%     %||     'MEG0133' }
%     %||               :
%     %||   { 'MEG2642'
%     %||     'MEG2643' }
%     %||   {  }
%     %||   {  }          }@104x1
% See also: ft_prepare_neighbors, cosmo_meeg_chan_neighbors,
%           cosmo_meeg_chan_neighborhood
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #