cosmo montecarlo phase stat hdr

function ds_stat=cosmo_montecarlo_phase_stat(ds,varargin)
% compute phase statistics based on Monte Carlo simulation
% ds_stat=cosmo_montecarlo_phase_stat(ds,...)
% Inputs:
%   ds                      dataset struct with fields:
%       .samples            PxQ complex matrix for P samples (trials,
%                           observations) and Q features (e.g. combinations
%                           of time points, frequencies and channels)
%       .sa.targets         Px1 array with trial conditions.
%                           There must be exactly two conditions, thus
%                           .sa.targets must have exactly two unique
%                           values. A balanced number of samples is
%                           requires, i.e. each of the two unique values in
%                           .sa.targets must occur equally often.
%       .sa.chunks          Px1 array indicating which samples can be
%                           considered to be independent. It is required
%                           that all samples are independent, therefore
%                           all values in .sa.chunks must be different from
%                           each other
%       .fa                 } optional feature attributes
%       .a                  } optional sample attributes
%  'output',p               Return statistic, one of the following:
%                           - 'pbi': phase bifurcation index
%                           - 'pos': phase opposition sum
%                           - 'pop': phase opposition product
%  'niter',niter            Generate niter null datasets by random
%                           shuffling the targets.
%                           If you have no idea what value to use, consider
%                           using niter=1000.
%  'zscore',z               (optional, default='non_parametric')
%                           Compute z-score using either:
%                           'non_parametric': non-parametric approach based
%                                             on how many values in the
%                                             original dataset show an
%                                             output greater than the
%                                             null data.
%                           'parametric'    : parametric approach based on
%                                             mean and standard deviation
%                                             of the null data. This would
%                                             assume normality of the
%                                             computed output statistic.
%  'extreme_tail_set_nan',n (optional, default=true)
%                           If n==true and all the output value in the
%                           original dataset for a particular feature i is
%                           less than or greater than all output values for
%                           that feature in the null datasets, set the
%                           output in stat.samples(i) to NaN.
%                           If n==false, the p value corresponding to the
%                           output is limited to the range
%                               [1/niter,1-1/niter]
%  'progress',p             (optional,default=1)
%                           Show progress every p null datasets.
%  'permuter_func',f        (optional, default is function defined in
%                            this function's body)
%                           Function handle with signature
%                             idxs=f(iter)
%                           which returns permuted indices in the range
%                           1:nsamples for the iter-th iteration with that
%                           seed value. The targets are resamples using
%                           these permuted indices.
%  'seed',s                 (optional, default=1)
%                           Use seed s when generating pseudo-random
%                           permutations for null distribution.
% Output:
%   stat_ds                 Dataset with field
%       .samples            1xQ z-scores indicating the probability of the
%                           observed data in ds.samples, under the null
%                           hypothesis of no phase difference. z-scores are
%                           not corrected for multiple comparisons.
% Notes:
%   - this function computes phase statistics for each feature separately;
%     it does not correct for multiple comparisons
%   - p-values are computed by dividing as (r+1) / (niter+1), with r the
%     number of times that the original data as less then the null
%     distributions. This follows the recommendation of North et al (2002).
% Reference
%   - North, Bernard V., David Curtis, and Pak C. Sham. "A note on the
%     calculation of empirical P values from Monte Carlo procedures." The
%     American Journal of Human Genetics 71.2 (2002): 439-441.
% See also: cosmo_phase_stat, cosmo_phase_itc