cosmo tail hdr

function [tail_values, idxs]=cosmo_tail(values, to_select)
% find values in left or right tail of a vector or string
% [tail_values, idxs]=cosmo_tail(values, to_select)
% Inputs:
%   values             vector or cell with strings
%   to_select          - if between -1 and 1, then (abs(to_select))*100%
%                        (rounded up to the nearest integer) values
%                        are returned
%                      - otherwise, abs(to_select) values are returned
%                      Negative values return the smallest values, positive
%                      values return the largest values
% Returns:
%   tail_values        the largest or smallest values in values
%   idxs               the indices of the values in tail_values, i.e.
%                      tail_values=values(idxs)
% Examples:
%     % two largest values
%     [v,i]=cosmo_tail(10:15,2)
%     %|| v = 15 14
%     %|| i = 6 5
%     % two smallest values
%     [v,i]=cosmo_tail(10:15,-2)
%     %|| v = 10 11
%     %|| i = 1 2
%     % 40% largest values
%     [v,i]=cosmo_tail(10:15,.4)
%     %|| v = 15 14 13
%     %|| i = 6 5 4
%     % 40% smallest values
%     [v,i]=cosmo_tail(10:15,-.4)
%     %|| v = 10 11 12
%     %|| i = 1 2 3
%     % 40% largest values
%     [v,i]=cosmo_tail({'a','d','c','b'},.4)
%     %|| v = {'d' 'c'}
%     %|| i = [2 3]
%     % 70% smallest values
%     [v,i]=cosmo_tail({'a','d','c','b'},-.7)
%     %|| v = {'a' 'b' 'c'}
%     %|| i = [1 4 3]
%     % matrix input is not supported
%     [v,i]=cosmo_tail(zeros(3),-.7)
%     %|| error('Only vector or cell with strings input is supported');
%     % values exceeding the size of the input is not supported
%     [v,i]=cosmo_tail(10:15,66)
%     %|| error('Cannot select 66 values: input has 6 values');
%     % second argument must be scalar
%     [v,i]=cosmo_tail(10:15,[2,3])
%     %|| error('Second argument must be scalar');
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #