cosmo match hdr

function msk=cosmo_match(haystack, needle, varargin)
% returns a mask indicating matching occurences in two arrays or cells
% relative to the second array
% msk=cosmo_match(haystack1, needle1[, needle2, haystack2, ...])
% Inputs:
%   haystack*         numeric vector, or cell with strings. A string is
%                     also allowed and interpreted as the name of a feature
%                     dimension ('i','j' or 'k' in fmri datasets; 'chan',
%                     'time', or 'freq' in MEEG datasets), and its
%                     respective values (from ds.a.fdim.values{dim}, where
%                     dim is the dimension corresponding to haystack) as
%                     indexed by ds.fa.(haystack) are used as haystack.
%   needle*           numeric vector, or cell with strings. A string is
%                     also allowed and interpreted as {needle}.
% Output:
%   msk               boolean array of the same size as haystack, with
%                     true where the value in haystack is equal to at least
%                     one value in needle. If multiple needle/haystack
%                     pairs are provided, then the haystack inputs should
%                     have the same number of elements, and msk contains
%                     the intersection of the individual masks.
% Examples
%     % simple character comparison
%     cosmo_match({'a','b','c'},{'b','c','d','e','b'})
%     %|| [false true true]
%     % swap the order of inputs
%     cosmo_match({'b','c','d','e','b'},{'a','b','c'})
%     %|| [true true false false true]
%     % in an fMRI dataset, get mask for features with with first spatial
%     % dimension indices 5 or 7.
%     msk=cosmo_match(ds.fa.i,[5 7]);
%     % get mask for chunk values 1 and 4
%     msk=cosmo_match(,[1 4]);
%     % get mask for chunk values 1 and 4, and target values 1, 3 or 6.
%     msk=cosmo_match(, [1 4],, [1 3 6]);
%     % get feature mask for the fourth channel in an MEEG dataset
%     msk=cosmo_match(ds.fa.chan,4)
% Notes:
%   - the output of this function can be used with cosmo_slice
%     to select features or samples of interest
%   - to select feature dimension values in an fmri or meeg dataset
%     (e.g., channel selection), see cosmo_dim_match
% See also: cosmo_slice, cosmo_stack, cosmo_dim_match
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #