cosmo measure clusters hdr

function cval=cosmo_measure_clusters(sample,nbrhood_mat,cluster_stat,varargin)
% General cluster measure
% cval=cosmo_measure_clusters(sample,nbrhood_mat,method,['dh',dh|'threshold',t],...)
% Inputs:
%   sample              1xP data array for k features
%   nbrhood_mat         MxP neighborhood matrix, if each feature has at
%                       most M neighbors. nbrhood_mx(:,k) should contain
%                       the feature ids of the neighbors of feature k
%                       (values of zero indicate no neighbors)
%   cluster_stat        'tfce', 'max', 'maxsize', or 'maxsum'.
%   'dh',dh             when method is 'tfce', the integral step size
%   'threshold',t       if method is anything but 'tfce', the threshold
%                       level
%   'E', E              (optional) when method is 'tfce': the extent
%                       exponent, default E=0.5
%   'H', E              (optional) when method is 'tfce': the height
%                       exponent, default H=2
%   'feature_sizes', s  (optional) 1xP element size of each feature;
%                       default is a vector with all elements equal to 1.
% Output:
%   cval           1xP data array with cluster values.
%                  Define:
%                     cl_k(thr)       Feature ids that are connected
%                                     with feature k when sample is
%                                     thresholded at thr.
%                                     (with cl_k(thr)=[] if sample(k)<thr).
%                     e_k(thr)        The extent of the cluster for feature
%                                     k when thresholded at thr, i.e.
%                                       e_k=sum[i=cl_k(thr)] s(i)
%                     max0[x=xs]v(x)  the maximum value that v takes for
%                                     any value in xs, or zero if xs is
%                                     empty.
%                  The output for a feature k depends on cluster_stat:
%                  - 'tfce':
%                       cval(k)=sum[h=dh:dh:max(sample)] e_k(h)^E *h^H * dh
%                    i.e. a weighted sum of the extent and height of
%                    the cluster at different thresholds
%                  - 'max':
%                       cval(k)=max0[i=cl_k(thr)] samples(i))
%                    i.e. the maximum value in the cluster that contains k
%                  - 'maxsize'
%                       cval(k)=e_k(thr)
%                    i.e. the size of the cluster that contains k
%                  - 'maxsum'
%                       cval(k)=sum[i=cl_k(thr)] samples(i)
%                    i.e. the sum of the values in the cluster that
%                    contains k
% Examples:
%     % very simple one-dimensional 'line' example
%     samples=     [1 2 1 1 0 2 2];
%     nbrhood_mat= [1 1 2 3 4 5 6;...
%                   2 2 3 4 5 6 7;...
%                   0 3 4 5 6 7 0];
%     % illustrate TFCE cluster stat. Note that the results vary little
%     % as a function of dh, and that both features in clusters with a
%     % larger extent but less extreme value and features in clusters with
%     % smaller extent but more extreme values have larger values
%     s=cosmo_measure_clusters(samples,nbrhood_mat,'tfce','dh',.1);
%     cosmo_disp(s,'threshold',inf)
%     %|| [ 0.77  2.86  0.77  0.77     0  3.49  3.49 ]
%     %
%     s=cosmo_measure_clusters(samples,nbrhood_mat,'tfce','dh',.05);
%     cosmo_disp(s,'threshold',inf)
%     %|| [ 0.618  2.88  0.618  0.618     0  3.63  3.63 ]
%     %
%     % illustrate other cluster stats. Note that the results varies more
%     % as a function of the chosen threshold
%     cosmo_measure_clusters(samples,nbrhood_mat,'max','threshold',1)
%     %||  2     2     2     2     0     2     2
%     %
%     cosmo_measure_clusters(samples,nbrhood_mat,'max','threshold',2)
%     %||  0     2     0     0     0     2     2
%     %
%     cosmo_measure_clusters(samples,nbrhood_mat,'maxsize','threshold',1)
%     %||  4     4     4     4     0     2     2
%     %
%     cosmo_measure_clusters(samples,nbrhood_mat,'maxsize','threshold',2)
%     %||  0     1     0     0     0     2     2
%     %
%     cosmo_measure_clusters(samples,nbrhood_mat,'maxsum','threshold',1)
%     %||  5     5     5     5     0     4     4
%     %
%     cosmo_measure_clusters(samples,nbrhood_mat,'maxsum','threshold',2)
%     %||  0     2     0     0     0     4     4
% Notes:
%   - the 'method' argument is similar to FieldTrip's clusterstat method,
%     but does support 'tfce' and does not support 'wcm'
%   - unlike FieldTrip's clusterstat, a value is returned for each feature
%     (rather than each cluster).
%   - TFCE is advised in the general case, because it finds a compromise
%     between magnitude of values and extent of clusters.
%   - this function is used by cosmo_montecarlo_cluster_stat for
%     non-parametric cluster-based correction for multiple comparisons.
% References:
%   - Stephen M. Smith, Thomas E. Nichols (2009), Threshold-free
%     cluster enhancement: Addressing problems of smoothing, threshold
%     dependence and localisation in cluster inference, NeuroImage, Volume
%     44, 83-98.
%   - Maris, E., Oostenveld, R. Nonparametric statistical testing of EEG-
%     and MEG-data. Journal of Neuroscience Methods (2007).
% See also: cosmo_convert_neighborhood, cosmo_montecarlo_cluster_stat
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #