cosmo meeg baseline correct hdr

function bl_ds=cosmo_meeg_baseline_correct(ds, reference, method)
% correct baseline of MEEG dataset
% bl_ds=cosmo_meeg_baseline_correct(ds, reference, method)
% Inputs:
%     ds            MEEG dataset struct with 'time' feature dimension
%     reference     Either:
%                   - interval [start, stop], with start and stop in
%                     seconds (in this case, parameters are estimated in
%                     this time interval)
%                   - MEEG dataset struct with 'time' feature dimension,
%                     with features  (in this case, parameters are
%                     estimated using this dataset)
%     method        One of:
%                   - 'absolute'   : bl=samples-mu
%                   - 'relative'   : bl=samples/mu
%                   - 'relchange'  : bl=(samples-mu)/mu
%                   - 'db'         : bl=10*log10(samples/mu)
% Output:
%     bl_ds         MEEG dataset struct with the same shape as ds,
%                   where samples are baseline corrected using reference.
%                   This is done separately for each combination of values
%                   in feature dimensions different from 'time', e.g.
%                   for 'chan' for a timelock dataset and for 'chan' and
%                   'freq' combinations for a timefreq dataset
% Examples:
%     % illustrate 'relative' baseline correction
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','timelock','size','small');
%     ds=cosmo_slice(ds,1:2); % take first two samples
%     ds_rel=cosmo_meeg_baseline_correct(ds,[-.3,-.18],'relative');
%     cosmo_disp(ds_rel.samples);
%     %|| [ 1     0.572         1      -1.3         1      1.56
%     %||   1     -1.45         1      1.89         1    -0.171 ]
%     % illustrate 'absolute' baseline correction
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','timelock','size','small');
%     ds=cosmo_slice(ds,1:2); % take first two samples
%     ds_abs=cosmo_meeg_baseline_correct(ds,[-.3,-.18],'absolute');
%     cosmo_disp(ds_abs.samples);
%     %|| [ 0    -0.869         0      2.05         0    -0.465
%     %||   0     -1.43         0      1.65         0     -1.36 ]
%     % illustrate use of another dataset as reference
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','timelock','size','small');
%     ds=cosmo_slice(ds,1:2); % take first two samples
%     ref=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','timelock','size','small');
%     ref=cosmo_slice(ref,1:2);
%     ds_ref_relch=cosmo_meeg_baseline_correct(ds,ref,'relchange');
%     cosmo_disp(ds_ref_relch.samples);
%     %|| [ 0.272    -0.272     -7.72      7.72     -0.22      0.22
%     %||   -5.41      5.41    -0.309     0.309      1.41     -1.41 ]
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #