cosmo meeg chan neighbors hdr

function neighbors=cosmo_meeg_chan_neighbors(ds, varargin)
% find neighbors of MEEG channels
% neighbors=cosmo_meeg_chan_neighbors(ds, ...)
% Inputs:
%   ds                  MEEG dataset struct
%   'label', lab        Labels to return in output, one of:
%                       'layout'    : determine neighbors based on layout
%                                     associated with ds (default). All
%                                     labels in the layout are used as
%                                     center labels.
%                       'dataset'   : determine neighbors based on labels
%                                     present in ds. Only labels present in
%                                     ds are used as center labels
%                       {x1,...,xn} : use labels x1 ... xn
%   'chantype', tp      (optional) channel type of neighbors, can be one of
%                       'eeg', 'meg_planar', 'meg_axial', or
%                       'meg_combined_from_planar'.
%                       Use 'all' to use all channel types associated with
%                       lab, and 'all_combined' to use
%                       'meg_combined_from_planar' with all other channel
%                       types in ds except for 'meg_planar'.
%                       If there is only one channel type associated with
%                       lab, then this argument is not required.
%   'radius', r         } select neighbors either within radius r, grow
%   'count', c          } the radius to get neighbors are c locations,
%   'delaunay', true    } or use Delaunay triangulation to find direct
%                       } neighbors for each channel.
%                       } These three options are mutually exclusive
% Output:
%   neighbors           Kx1 struct for K center labels, with fields:
%     .label            center label
%     .neighblabel      cell with labels of neighbors
% Examples:
%     % (This example requires FieldTrip)
%     cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external('fieldtrip');
%     %
%     % get neighbors within radius of .3 for EEG dataset
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','meeg',...
%                                        'sens','eeg1010','size','big');
%     % show all channel labels
%     cosmo_disp(ds.a.fdim.values{1});
%     %|| { 'TP10'  'TP7'  'TP8' ... 'A2'  'M1'  'M2'   }@1x94
%     %
%     % simulate the case where some channels are missing; here, every 7-th
%     % channels is removed
%     ds=cosmo_slice(ds,mod(ds.fa.chan,7)~=2,2);
%     ds=cosmo_dim_prune(ds);
%     %
%     % show remaining channel labels
%     cosmo_disp(ds.a.fdim.values{1});
%     %|| { 'TP10'  'TP8'  'TP9' ... 'A1'  'A2'  'M2'   }@1x80
%     %
%     % get neighbors for the channel layout associated with this
%     % dataset. This layout ('EEG1010.lay') has 88 channel positions,
%     % of which the last two are ignored because they are 'COMNT' and
%     % 'SCALE'
%     nbrs=cosmo_meeg_chan_neighbors(ds,'radius',.3);
%     cosmo_disp(nbrs,'edgeitems',1);
%     %|| <struct>@86x1
%     %||    (1,1) .label
%     %||            'Fp1'
%     %||          .neighblabel
%     %||            { 'Fp1'
%     %||               :
%     %||              'FC1' }@21x1
%     %||      :           :
%     %||    (86,1).label
%     %||            'I2'
%     %||          .neighblabel
%     %||            { 'P4'
%     %||               :
%     %||              'I2' }@16x1
%     %
%     % since the dataset has only 80 channels, 74 of which are in the
%     % layout, using the dataset's labels only (with the 'labels'
%     % argument) returns
%     % only neighbors for channels in the dataset
%     nbrs=cosmo_meeg_chan_neighbors(ds,'radius',.3,...
%                                         'label','dataset');
%     cosmo_disp(nbrs,'edgeitems',1);
%     %|| <struct>@74x1
%     %||    (1,1) .label
%     %||            'Fp1'
%     %||          .neighblabel
%     %||            { 'Fp1'
%     %||               :
%     %||              'FC1' }@21x1
%     %||      :           :
%     %||    (74,1).label
%     %||            'I2'
%     %||          .neighblabel
%     %||            { 'P4'
%     %||               :
%     %||              'I2' }@16x1
%     % (This example requires FieldTrip)
%     cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external('fieldtrip');
%     %
%     % get neighbors at 4 neighboring sensor location for
%     % planar neuromag306 channels
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','meeg','size','big');
%     nbrs=cosmo_meeg_chan_neighbors(ds,...
%                     'chantype','meg_planar','count',4);
%     cosmo_disp(nbrs,'edgeitems',1);
%     %|| <struct>@204x1
%     %||    (1,1)  .label
%     %||             'MEG0113'
%     %||           .neighblabel
%     %||             { 'MEG0113'
%     %||               'MEG0112'
%     %||               'MEG0122'
%     %||               'MEG0133' }
%     %||      :            :
%     %||    (204,1).label
%     %||             'MEG2643'
%     %||           .neighblabel
%     %||             { 'MEG2423'
%     %||               'MEG2422'
%     %||               'MEG2642'
%     %||               'MEG2643' }
%     % (This example requires FieldTrip)
%     cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external('fieldtrip');
%     %
%     % get neighbors at 4 neighboring sensor location for
%     % planar neuromag306 channels, but with the center labels
%     % the set of combined planar channels
%     % (there are 8 channels in the .neighblabel fields, because
%     %  there are two planar channels per combined channel)
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','meeg','size','big');
%     nbrs=cosmo_meeg_chan_neighbors(ds,...
%                     'chantype','meg_combined_from_planar','count',4);
%     cosmo_disp(nbrs,'edgeitems',1);
%     %|| <struct>@102x1
%     %||    (1,1)  .label
%     %||             'MEG0112+0113'
%     %||           .neighblabel
%     %||             { 'MEG0112'
%     %||                  :
%     %||               'MEG0343' }@8x1
%     %||      :              :
%     %||    (102,1).label
%     %||             'MEG2642+2643'
%     %||           .neighblabel
%     %||             { 'MEG2422'
%     %||                  :
%     %||               'MEG2643' }@8x1
%     % (This example requires FieldTrip)
%     cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external('fieldtrip');
%     %
%     % As above, but now use both the axial and planar channels.
%     % Here the axial channels only have axial neighbors, and the planar
%     % channels only have planar neighbors
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','meeg','size','big');
%     nbrs=cosmo_meeg_chan_neighbors(ds,...
%                            'chantype','all','count',4);
%     cosmo_disp(nbrs,'edgeitems',1);
%     %|| <struct>@306x1
%     %||    (1,1)  .label
%     %||             'MEG0111'
%     %||           .neighblabel
%     %||             { 'MEG0111'
%     %||               'MEG0121'
%     %||               'MEG0131'
%     %||               'MEG0341' }
%     %||      :            :
%     %||    (306,1).label
%     %||             'MEG2643'
%     %||           .neighblabel
%     %||             { 'MEG2423'
%     %||               'MEG2422'
%     %||               'MEG2642'
%     %||               'MEG2643' }
%     % (This example requires FieldTrip)
%     cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external('fieldtrip');
%     %
%     % As above, but now use both the axial and planar channels with
%     % center labels for the planar channels from the combined_planar set.
%     % Here the axial center channels have 4 axial neighbors each, while
%     % the planar_combined channels have 8 planar (uncombined) neigbors
%     % each.
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','meeg','size','big');
%     nbrs=cosmo_meeg_chan_neighbors(ds,...
%                            'chantype','all_combined','count',4);
%     cosmo_disp(nbrs,'edgeitems',1);
%     %|| <struct>@204x1
%     %||    (1,1)  .label
%     %||             'MEG0111'
%     %||           .neighblabel
%     %||             { 'MEG0111'
%     %||               'MEG0121'
%     %||               'MEG0131'
%     %||               'MEG0341' }
%     %||      :              :
%     %||    (204,1).label
%     %||             'MEG2642+2643'
%     %||           .neighblabel
%     %||             { 'MEG2422'
%     %||                  :
%     %||               'MEG2643' }@8x1
% Notes:
%  - this function returns a struct similar to FieldTrip's
%    ft_prepare_neighbors, but not identical:
%    * a center labels can be a neighbor of itself
%    * the neighbors are similar but not identical to FieldTrip's
%      ft_prepare_neighbors
%  - for searchlight and clustering purposes, use
%    cosmo_meeg_chan_neighborhood
% See also: cosmo_meeg_chantype, ft_prepare_neighbours,
%           cosmo_meeg_chan_neighborhood
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #