cosmo meeg chantype hdr

function [chantypes,senstype_mapping]=cosmo_meeg_chantype(ds,varargin)
% return channel types and optionally a feature mask matching a type
% [chantypes,senstype_mapping]=cosmo_meeg_chantype(ds)
% Inputs:
%    ds                 dataset struct for MEEG dataset
% Output:
%    chantypes          1xN cell with type of each channel in ds, where
%                       N is the number of channels.
%    senstype_mapping   struct with keys the unique chantypes, and values
%                       the sensor (acquisition) type
% Example:
%     % This example requires FieldTrip
%     cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external('fieldtrip');
%     %
%     % generate synthetic dataset with meg_planar and meg_axial channels
%     % as found in the neuromag306 system
%     ds=cosmo_synthetic_dataset('type','meeg','sens','neuromag306_all',...
%                     'size','big','nchunks',1,'ntargets',1);
%     [chantypes,senstypes]=cosmo_meeg_chantype(ds);
%     cosmo_disp(chantypes,'edgeitems',2);
%     %|| { 'meg_axial'  'meg_planar' ... 'meg_planar' 'meg_planar' }@1x306
%     cosmo_disp(senstypes,'strlen',inf);
%     %|| .meg_axial
%     %||   'neuromag306alt_mag'
%     %|| .meg_planar
%     %||   'neuromag306alt_planar'
%     %
%     % filter the dataset to only contain the planar channels:
%     %
%     % see which features have a matching channel
%     chan_indices=find(cosmo_match(chantypes,'meg_planar'));
%     planar_msk=cosmo_match(ds.fa.chan,chan_indices);
%     % slice and prune dataset along feature dimension
%     ds_planar=cosmo_slice(ds,planar_msk,2);
%     ds_planar=cosmo_dim_prune(ds_planar);
%     % the output dataset has only the 204 planar channels left
%     cosmo_disp(ds_planar.a.fdim,'edgeitems',2);
%     %|| .labels
%     %||   { 'chan'
%     %||     'time' }
%     %|| .values
%     %||   { { 'MEG0112'  'MEG0113' ... 'MEG2642'  'MEG2643'   }@1x204
%     %||     [ -0.2     -0.15  ...  0.05       0.1 ]@1x7               }
%     %
%     cosmo_disp(ds_planar.fa.chan);
%     %|| [ 1         2         3  ...  202       203       204 ]@1x1428
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #