function partitions = cosmo_oddeven_partitioner(ds, type)
% generates an odd-even partition scheme
% partitions=cosmo_oddeven_partitioner(chunks,[type])
% Input
% ds dataset struct with field .ds.chunks.
% type One of:
% - 'full': two partitions are returned, training on odd
% unique chunks and testing on even unique chunks,
% and vice versa (default). A typical use case is
% classification analysis (using
% cosmo_crossvalidation_measure)
% - 'half': a single partition is returned, training on
% odd unique chunks and testing on even unique chunks
% only. A typical use case is split-half
% correlation analysis (using
% cosmo_correlation_measure) because correlations are
% symmetric (i.e. corr(a,b)==corr(b,a) for column
% vectors a and b)
% Output:
% partitions A struct with fields .train_indices and .test_indices.
% Each of these is an Nx1 cell (N=1 when type='half',
% N=2 when type='full'.).
% .train_indices{k} and .test_indices{k} contain the
% sample indices for the sets of unique chunks
% alternatingly
% Example:
% ds=struct();
% ds.samples=NaN(8,99); % will be ignored by this function
%[8 9 8 9 8 9 8 9]';
%[1 1 2 2 6 7 7 6]';
% p=cosmo_oddeven_partitioner(ds);
% % note that chunks=6 ends up in the odd chunks and chunks=7 in the
% % even chunks, as 6 [7] is the third [fourth] unique value of chunks.
% cosmo_disp(p);
% %|| .train_indices
% %|| { [ 1 [ 3
% %|| 2 4
% %|| 5 6
% %|| 8 ] 7 ] }
% %|| .test_indices
% %|| { [ 3 [ 1
% %|| 4 2
% %|| 6 5
% %|| 7 ] 8 ] }
% %||
% %
% % only half-partition (for correlation-based analysis)
% p=cosmo_oddeven_partitioner(ds,'half');
% cosmo_disp(p);
% %|| .train_indices
% %|| { [ 1
% %|| 2
% %|| 5
% %|| 8 ] }
% %|| .test_indices
% %|| { [ 3
% %|| 4
% %|| 6
% %|| 7 ] }
% Notes:
% - typically, the 'half' option can be used with
% cosmo_correlation_measure, because correlations are symmetric; the
% 'full' option can be used with cosmo_crossvalidation_measure.
% - this function returns partitions based on the sorted unique values
% in chunks, not the chunk values themselves. For example, if the
% sorted unique values of .sa.chunks are [2,4,5,8], then the values
% 2 and 5 are at the 'odd' position (1 and 3), and 4 and 8 are at the
% 'even' position.
% See also: cosmo_nchoosek_partitioner
% # For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms, #
% # see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA. #