cosmo overlap hdr

function [y_in_x,x_in_y]=cosmo_overlap(xs,ys)
% compute overlap between vectors or cellstrings in two cells
% [y_in_x,x_in_y]=cosmo_overlap(xs,ys)
% Inputs:
%    xs         Nx1 cell with all elements either numeric arrays or
%               cells with strings
%    ys         Mx1 cell with all elements either numeric arrays or
%               cells with strings
% Output:
%    y_in_x     MxN cell with the (i,j)-th element indicating the ratio of
%               elements in ys{j} that are present in xs{i}
%    x_in_i     MxN cell with the (i,j)-th element indicating the ratio of
%               elements in ys{i} that are present in ys{i}
% Examples:
%     % Compute overlap between two cells with cellstrings
%     xs={{'a'},{'a','b'},{'a','b','c'},{}};
%     ys={{'b'},{'c','b','a'}};
%     [x_in_y,y_in_x]=cosmo_overlap(xs,ys);
%     cosmo_disp(x_in_y);
%     %|| [ 0     0.333
%     %||   1     0.667
%     %||   1         1
%     %||   0         0 ]
%     %||
%     cosmo_disp(y_in_x);
%     %|| [     0         1
%     %||     0.5         1
%     %||   0.333         1
%     %||     NaN       NaN ]
%     % Compute overlap between two cells with numeric arrays
%     xs={1,[1 2],1:3,[]};
%     ys={2,[3,2,1]};
%     [x_in_y,y_in_x]=cosmo_overlap(xs,ys);
%     cosmo_disp(x_in_y);
%     %|| [ 0     0.333
%     %||   1     0.667
%     %||   1         1
%     %||   0         0 ]
%     %||
%     cosmo_disp(y_in_x);
%     %|| [     0         1
%     %||     0.5         1
%     %||   0.333         1
%     %||     NaN       NaN ]
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #