cosmo parallel get nproc available hdr

function nproc_available=cosmo_parallel_get_nproc_available(varargin)
% get number of processes available from Matlab parallel processing pool
% nproc=cosmo_parallel_get_nproc_available()
% Input:
%   'nproc',nproc_wanted            Number of desired processes (optional)
%                                   If not provided, then the number of
%                                   available cores is returned.
%                                   Use 'nproc',inf to get as many
%                                   cores as there available.
%   'nproc_available_query_func',f  Function handle to determine how many
%                                   processes are available. This function
%                                   is intended for use by developers only;
%                                   by default it selects the appropriate
%                                   function based on the platform (Octave,
%                                   Matlab <= 2013b, or Matlab > 2013b)
% Output:
%   nproc_available                 Number of available parallel processes.
%                                   - On Matlab: this requires the parallel
%                                     computing toolbox
%                                   - On Octave: this requires the parallel
%                                     toolbox
%                                   If the required toolbox is not
%                                   available, then nproc_available=1.
%                                   If there are nproc_available
%                                   processes available and
%                                       nproc_available<nproc_wanted
%                                   then nproc=nproc_available is returned.
% Notes:
%   - If no parallel processing pool has been started, then this function
%     will try to start one (with as many parallel processes as possible)
%     before counting the number of processes available.
%   - If a parallel processing pool has already been started, then this
%     function returns the number of processes available it that pool. This
%     function *does not* close an existing pool and open a new one. This
%     means that if a user has started a pool with M processes on a machine
%     with N processes available (i.e. a pool has started with fewer
%     processes than available), then this function will return M (and not
%     N if M<N). If you need a fresh pool with
% See also: parcellfun, matlabpool
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #