cosmo parcellfun hdr

function result=cosmo_parcellfun(nproc,func,arg_cell,varargin)
% applies a function to elements in a cell in parallel
% result=cosmo_parcellfun(nproc,func,arg_cell,...)
% Inputs:
%   nproc                   Maximum number of processes to run in parallel
%   func                    Function handle that takes a single input
%                           argument and gives a single output
%   arg_cell                Cell with arguments to be given to func
%   'UniformOutput',o_u     If false, then the output is converted to a
%                           numeric or logical array. Default: true
% Output:
%   result                  Cell with the same size as arg_cell, with
%                               result{i}=func(arg_cell{i})
%                           If o_u is true, then result is converted to a
%                           numeric or logical array, assuming that each
%                           output is a scalar. If any output is not a
%                           scalar while o_u is true, an exception is
%                           thrown.