cosmo plot slices hdr

function cosmo_plot_slices(data, dim, slice_step, slice_start, slice_stop)
% Plots a set of slices from a dataset, nifti image, or 3D data array
% cosmo_plot_slices(data[, dim][, slice_step][, slice_start][, slice_stop])
% Inputs:
%  data         an fmri dataset (e.g., from cosmo_fmri_dataset), or a 3D
%               array with data. data should contain samples from a single
%               volume (sample) only.
%  dim          dimension according to which slices are plotted
%               (default: 3). Values between 1 and 3 allows using a
%               saggital, axial or coronal view; but the mapping between
%               the 3 numbers and 3 views depends on the particular
%               orientation of the data.
%  slice_step   step between slices (default: 1). If negative then
%               -slice_step indicates the number of slices
%  slice_start  the index of the first slice to plot (default: 1).
%  slice_stop   the index of the last slice to plot (default: the number of
%               slices in the dim-th dimension).
% Examples:
%    % plot an fMRI dataset struct with default options
%    cosmo_plot_slices(ds)
%    % plot an fMRI dataset struct along the second spatial dimension
%    cosmo_plot_slices(ds, 2)
%    % plot a random gaussian 3D array along the first dimension
%    cosmo_plot_slices(randn([40,50,20]),1)
%    % plot an fMRI dataset struct along the default spatial dimension
%    % every 5-th slice
%    cosmo_plot_slices(ds, [], 5)
%    % plot an fMRI dataset struct along the third spatial dimension
%    % with about 12 slices
%    cosmo_plot_slices(ds, 3, -12)
%    % plot an fMRI dataset struct along the third spatial dimension
%    % with about 12 slices, starting at slice 10 and stopping at slice 25
%    cosmo_plot_slices(ds, 3, -12, 10, 25)
% Notes:
%  - Using this function only really makes sense for fMRI-like data.
%  - This function does not provide a consistent orientation for slices,
%    as this depends on the voxel-to-world transformation matrix, which is
%    completely ignored in this function. Thus left-right and top-down
%    swaps can occur. Different datasets may provide different views, for
%    example dim=1 may give a saggital view if the dataset comes from one
%    program and an axial view if it comes from another program.
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #