function is_ok=cosmo_publish_run_scripts(varargin)
% helper function to publish example scripts (for developers)
% cosmo_publish_build_html([force|fn])
% Inputs:
% fn filename of matlab file to publish (in the examples
% directory)
% '-force' force rebuild, even if an output file is newer than the
% corresponding output file
% '-dry' dry run: do not build any files, but show the output that
% would be shown.
% '-o', d write output in directory d. By default d is
% 'doc/source/_static/publish/' relative to the CoSMoMVPA
% root directory.
% Notes:
% - if no filename is given, then all files are rebuilt if necessary
% - this function is intended for developers (to build the website)
% - whether an output file is out of date is first determined using
% git: if git shows no changes to the last commit of the input file
% then it is assumed it is not out of date. If the input file has
% been changed since the last commit (or never been comitted), then
% the modification date is used to determine whether it is out of date.
% - requirements
% * a Unix-like system
% * a working installation of git
% * CoSMoMVPA code present in a git repository
% # For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms, #
% # see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA. #