function skip_test=cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external(external)
% Notify that test in the test suite is skipped if no external is present
% skip_test=cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external(external)
% Inputs:
% external Name of external to be checked; see
% cosmo_check_external
% Output:
% skip_test True if the external is not available, false
% otherwise. If the external is not available,
% then the skip of the test is notified through
% cosmo_notify_test_skipped, which (depending on
% the call stack) may raise an exception and/or
% display a warning.
% Notes:
% - This function can be used for three different test suite
% use case scenarios:
% * runtests (from the xUnit framework):
% calling this function shows a warning message and does not raise
% an exception.
% * cosmo_run_tests (using the xUnit framework):
% calling this function does not show a warning message, nor does
% it raise an exception. Instead, cosmo_notify_test_skipped is
% called, so that after all tests are run, cosmo_run_tests shows a
% summary of skipped tests.
% * moxunit_runtests (using MOxUnit):
% calling this function does not show a warning message, but it
% does raise an exception. This exception is caught by MOxUnit,
% so that after all tests are run, moxunit_runtests shows a summary
% of skipped tests.
% - Because xUnit does not support skipping tests directly, recommended
% usage within a unit test is:
% if cosmo_skip_test_if_no_external('fieldtrip')
% return
% end
% See also: cosmo_check_external, cosmo_notify_test_skipped
% # For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms, #
% # see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA. #