function ds=cosmo_slice(ds, to_select, dim, type_or_check)
% Slice a dataset by samples (the default) or features
% sliced_ds=cosmo_slice(ds, elements_to_select[, dim][check|'struct'])
% Inputs:
% ds One of:
% - dataset struct to be sliced, with PxQ field
% .samples and optionally fields .fa, .sa and .a.
% - PxQ cell
% - PxQ logical or numeric array
% elements_to_select either a binary mask or a list of indices of
% the samples (if dim==1) or features (if dim==2)
% to select. If a binary mask then the number of
% elements should match the size of ds in the
% dim-th dimension.
% dim Slicing dimension: along samples (dim==1) or
% features (dim==2). (default: 1).
% check Boolean that indicates that if ds is a dataset,
% whether it should be checked for proper
% structure. (default: true).
% 'struct' If provided and ds is a struct, then
% all fields of ds, which are assumed to be cell
% or arrays, are sliced.
% Output:
% sliced_ds - If ds is a cell or array then sliced_ds is
% the result of slicing ds along the dim-th
% dimension. The result is of size NxQ (if
% dim==1) or PxN (if dim==2), where N is the
% number of non-zero values in
% elements_to_select.
% - If ds is a dataset struct then
% sliced_ds.samples is the result of slicing
% ds.samples.
% If present, fields .sa (if dim==1) or
% .fa (dim==2) are sliced as well.
% - when ds is a struct and the 'struct' option was
% given, then all fields in ds are sliced.
% Examples:
% % make a simple dataset
% ds=struct();
% ds.samples=reshape(1:12,4,3); % 4 samples, 3 features
% % sample attributes
%[1 1 2 2]';
%[1 2 1 2]';
% % feature attributes
% ds.fa.i=[3 8 13];
% ds.fa.roi={'vt','loc','v1'};
% % dataset attributes
% ds.a.note='an example';
% % display dataset
% cosmo_disp(ds);
% %|| .samples
% %|| [ 1 5 9
% %|| 2 6 10
% %|| 3 7 11
% %|| 4 8 12 ]
% %|| .sa
% %|| .chunks
% %|| [ 1
% %|| 1
% %|| 2
% %|| 2 ]
% %|| .targets
% %|| [ 1
% %|| 2
% %|| 1
% %|| 2 ]
% %|| .fa
% %|| .i
% %|| [ 3 8 13 ]
% %|| .roi
% %|| { 'vt' 'loc' 'v1' }
% %|| .a
% %|| .note
% %|| 'an example'
% %
% % (snippet) select samples (row) in a dataset
% % ds is a dataset struct
% sample_ids=[3 2];
% % select third and second sample (in that order)
% sliced_ds=cosmo_slice(ds,sample_ids,1);
% %
% cosmo_disp(sliced_ds);
% %|| .samples
% %|| [ 3 7 11
% %|| 2 6 10 ]
% %|| .sa
% %|| .chunks
% %|| [ 2
% %|| 1 ]
% %|| .targets
% %|| [ 1
% %|| 2 ]
% %|| .fa
% %|| .i
% %|| [ 3 8 13 ]
% %|| .roi
% %|| { 'vt' 'loc' 'v1' }
% %|| .a
% %|| .note
% %|| 'an example'
% %
% % select third and second feature (in that order)
% sliced_ds=cosmo_slice(ds, [3 2], 2);
% cosmo_disp(sliced_ds);
% %|| .samples
% %|| [ 9 5
% %|| 10 6
% %|| 11 7
% %|| 12 8 ]
% %|| .sa
% %|| .chunks
% %|| [ 1
% %|| 1
% %|| 2
% %|| 2 ]
% %|| .targets
% %|| [ 1
% %|| 2
% %|| 1
% %|| 2 ]
% %|| .fa
% %|| .i
% %|| [ 13 8 ]
% %|| .roi
% %|| { 'v1' 'loc' }
% %|| .a
% %|| .note
% %|| 'an example'
% %
% % using a logical mask, select features with odd value for .i
% msk=mod(ds.fa.i,2)==1;
% disp(msk)
% %|| [1 0 1]
% sliced_ds=cosmo_slice(ds, msk, 2);
% cosmo_disp(sliced_ds);
% %|| .samples
% %|| [ 1 9
% %|| 2 10
% %|| 3 11
% %|| 4 12 ]
% %|| .sa
% %|| .chunks
% %|| [ 1
% %|| 1
% %|| 2
% %|| 2 ]
% %|| .targets
% %|| [ 1
% %|| 2
% %|| 1
% %|| 2 ]
% %|| .fa
% %|| .i
% %|| [ 3 13 ]
% %|| .roi
% %|| { 'vt' 'v1' }
% %|| .a
% %|| .note
% %|| 'an example'
% % slice all fields in a struct
% s=struct();
% s.a_field=[1 2 3; 4 5 6];
% s.another_field={'this','is','fun'};
% cosmo_disp(s);
% %|| .a_field
% %|| [ 1 2 3
% %|| 4 5 6 ]
% %|| .another_field
% %|| { 'this' 'is' 'fun' }
% %
% % select first, third, third, and second column (dim=2)
% t=cosmo_slice(s, [1 3 3 2], 2, 'struct');
% cosmo_disp(t);
% %|| .a_field
% %|| [ 1 3 3 2
% %|| 4 6 6 5 ]
% %|| .another_field
% %|| { 'this' 'fun' 'fun' 'is' }
% Notes:
% - do_check=false may be preferred for slice-intensive operations such
% as when used in searchlights
% - this function does not support arrays with more than two dimensions.
% # For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms, #
% # see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA. #