%% odd-even classification with LDA classifier
% # For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms, #
% # see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA. #
%% Define data
% Load the dataset with VT mask
ds = cosmo_fmri_dataset([data_path '/glm_T_stats_perrun.nii'], ...
'mask', [data_path '/vt_mask.nii']);
% remove constant features
%% set sample attributes
ds.sa.targets = repmat((1:6)',10,1);
ds.sa.chunks = floor(((1:60)-1)/6)'+1;
% Add labels as sample attributes
classes = {'monkey','lemur','mallard','warbler','ladybug','lunamoth'};
ds.sa.labels = repmat(classes,1,10)';
%% Part 1: bird classification; train on even runs, test on odd runs
% slice into odd and even runs using ds.sa.chunks attribute, and
% store in new dataset structs called 'ds_even' and 'ds_odd'.
% (hint: use the 'mod' function (remainder after division) to see which
% chunks are even or odd)
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
%% discriminate between mallards and warblers
% select samples where .sa.labels match on of the categories
% for the even and odd runs seperately. Slice the dataset twice and store
% the result in 'ds_even_birds' and 'ds_odd_birds'
% (use cosmo_match with .sa.labels and categories to define a mask,
% then cosmo_slice to select the data)
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
% show the data
fprintf('Even data:\n')
fprintf('Odd data:\n')
% train on even, test on odd
% Use cosmo_classify_lda to get predicted targets for the odd runs when
% training on the even runs, and assign these predictions to
% a variable 'test_pred'.
% (hint: use .samples and .sa.targets from ds_even_birds, and
% use .samples from ds_odd_birds)
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
% Assign the real targets of the odd runs to a variable 'test_targets'
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
% show real and predicted labels
fprintf('\ntarget predicted\n');
disp([test_targets test_pred])
% compare the predicted labels for the odd
% runs with the actual targets to compute the accuracy. Store the accuracy
% in a variable 'accuracy'.
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
fprintf('\nLDA birds even-odd: accuracy %.3f\n', accuracy);
% compare with naive bayes classification
% (hint: do classification as above, but use cosmo_classify_naive_bayes)
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
fprintf('\nNaive Bayes birds even-odd: accuracy %.3f\n', accuracy);
%% Part 2: all categories; train/test on even/odd runs and vice versa
% This is as above, but without slicing to get the samples with bird
% species. In other words, just use 'ds_even' and 'ds_odd'
% First, train on even, test on odd
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
fprintf('\nLDA all categories even-odd: accuracy %.3f\n', accuracy);
% Now train on odd, test on even
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
fprintf('\nLDA all categories odd-even: accuracy %.3f\n', accuracy);
%% Part 3: build confusion matrix
% manually build the confusion matrix for the six categories
% first, allocate space for the confusion matrix
nclasses=numel(classes); % should be 6
confusion_matrix=zeros(nclasses); % 6x6 matrix
% sanity check to ensure targets are in range 1..6
% in confusion matrix, the i-th row and j-th column should contain
% the number of times that a sample with test_targets==i was predicted as
% test_pred==j. Use a nested for-loop (a for-loop in a for-loop) to count
% this for all combinations of i (1 to 6) and j (1 to 6)
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
% CoSMoMVPA can generate the confusion matrix using cosmo_confusion_matrix;
% the check below ensures that your solution matches the one produced by
if ~isequal(confusion_matrix,confusion_matrix_alt)
error('your confusion matrix does not match the expected output');
imagesc(confusion_matrix,[0 5])
title('confusion matrix');