Runnable examples - skeleton files

All functions

run anatomical dataset basics skl

Anatomical dataset basics In this example, load a brain as a CoSMoMVPA datset and visualize it in matlab

run bad double dipping analysis skl

Double dipping

run classify lda skl

odd-even classification with LDA classifier

run classify naive bayes skl

Two-class classification with naive baysian classifier

run classify svm skl

Classification using svm

run compare dsm skl

RSA Tutorial Compare DSMs

run correlation measure skl

Exercise with cosmo_correlation_measure Split-half correlation analysis using cosmo_correlation_measure

run cross validation skl

Cross validation example with multiple classifiers This example runs cross validation and shows confusion matrix using multiple classifiers

run crossvalidation measure skl

Cross validation measure example This example runs cross validation with the cosmo_crossvalidation_measure function, using a classifier with n-fold crossvalidation. It shows the confusion matrices using multiple classifiers

run crossvalidation searchlight skl

Crossvalidation searchlight

run dataset basics skl

Dataset basics

run demean skl

Example of de-meaning

run feature selection classifier skl

An example of using feature selection with a classifier

run fmri correlation searchlight trivial skl

Demo: fMRI searchlights with split-half correlation

run load datasets skl

Dataset Basics Load datasets using cosmo_fmri_dataset

run measure searchlight skl

Searchlight using a data measure

run meeg time generalization mcc skl

MEEG time generalization multiple comparison correction This example shows MVPA analyses performed on MEEG data.

run meeg time generalization skl

MEEG time generalization in a region (in space-time) of interest

run meeg timefreq measures skl

MEEG time-frequency searchlight

run meeg timelock measures skl

MEEG time-lock searchlight

run multiple comparison correction skl

Multiple comparison correction with Threshold-Free Cluster Enhancement

run nfold crossvalidate skl

n-fold cross-validation classification with LDA classifier

run nifti basics skl

NIFTI basics In this example, load a brain and visualize it in matlab

run operations on datasets skl

Dataset Basics Run operations on datasets

run permutation test skl

Permutation test example

run roi neighborhood skl

ROI neighborhood example

run rsa visualize skl

RSA Visualize

run rsm measure searchlight skl

Searchlight for representational similarity analysis

run setting sample attr skl

Dataset Basics (setting sample attributes)

run sphere offsets searchlight skl

Searchlight analysis in the volume

run sphere offsets skl

Show sphere offsets for used in spherical neighborhood

run spherical neighborhood searchlight skl

Spherical searchlight this example implements a spherical searchlight using cosmo_spherical_neighborhood and performs crossvalidation with a nearest neigh classifier

run splithalf correlations searchlight skl

Volumetric fMRI Searchlight

run splithalf correlations single sub skl

Roi-based MVPA for single subject (run_split_half_correlations_single_sub)

run splithalf correlations skl

roi-based MVPA with group-analysis

run surface searchlight skl

Demo: fMRI surface-based searchlights with LDA classifier