run roi neighborhood skl

%% ROI neighborhood example
% This example shows how to define and use neighborhoods, and shows
% how they can be used with the cosmo_searchlight function
% #   For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms,   #
% #   see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA.           #

%% Load data (without mask)


%% Define a neighborhood struct for two ROIs

% Use EV and VT masks

% Start with empty struct

% Add a feature attribute with the labels to neighborhood

% For illustrative purposes as a single dataset attribute

% Set the origin field - this is not required, but is useful to avoid
% mistakes where neighborhoods are used with a different dataset than
% intended

% Add a field '.neighbors' to the nbrhood, which is initialized to a cell
% with two elements (one for each ROI).
% In the for-loop below, the cell is filled with feature indices

% Add the feature indices of each ROI to the neighborhood
for k=1:nrois
    % name of ROI

    % filename of mask volume

    % load roi mask volume and assign to variable named 'ds_roi'
    %%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

    % safety check to ensure that the feature attributes match

    % find the indices where the voxels in the ROI have non-zero values,
    % and assign to a variable named 'nonzero_idxs'
    %%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

    % store the non-zero indices in the k-th element of
    % 'nbrhood.neighbors'
    %%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

% show 'nbrhood' using cosmo_disp
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

%% Part 1: 'manual' saerchlight using a neighborhood and a measure

% This part shows how a 'searchlight' can be imitated using a neighborhood
% and a measure. The main idea here is:
% - nbrhood.neighbors contains a cell, each element with indices of
%   features
% - apply the measure to subsets of the dataset gives a 'partial' dataset,
%   in the sense that the measure only returns .sa and .samples.
%   Then the outputs from each application of the measure are stacked
%   to get the output in each subset of the dataset for each
%   feature in nbrhood. The stacked output dataset is still 'partial'
%   (only with .sa and .samples, but without .fa and .a)
% - the neighborhood struct gives .fa and .a, so combining these with
%   the stacked dataset to get a full dataset with
%   .samples, .fa, .sa., and .a

% Define a measure and arguments for n-fold
% cross-validation with LDA classifier

% it is assumed that nbrhood was defined in the previous section. Here
% see how many rois there are.
nrois=numel(nbrhood.neighbors); % should be 2 in this example

% When applying the measure to data in a single ROI, the output is a
% dataset structure. Allocate a cell of size 1 x 'nrois' to store
% these dataset; assign it to a variable 'each_measure_output'
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

% Now loop over the elements in nbrhood.neighbors to apply the measure to
% each ROI
for k=1:nrois
    % get the feature indices for the k-th ROI, and store in variable named
    % 'feature_idxs'
    %%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

    % slice the 'ds' dataset using these feature_idxs along the second
    % (feature) dimension to select the data in the k-th ROI. Assign the
    % result to a variable named 'ds_roi'
    %%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

    % safety check (for this exercise)
    % if this throws an error then you did something wrong

    % apply the measure and store the result in the k-th element of
    % 'each_measure_output'
    %%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%


% Stack the datasets in 'each_measure_output' using cosmo_stack along
% the second dimension, to get a dataset where .samples is 1 x nrois.
% Assign the result to a variable 'full_output'
% Hint: the second argument of cosmo_stack must be 2
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

% From the 'nbrhood' now copy the contents of the .fa. and .a fields
% to 'full_output' to get a full dataset with .samples, .a, .fa and .sa
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

% Show the result
fprintf('\nOutput of cross-validation:\n')

%% Part 2: use cosmo_searchlight to replicate Part 1

% the cosmo_searchlight routine uses a neighborhood and a measure
% and applies them in a similar way as in Part 1

% Use cosmo_searchlight with arguments:
%  - the input dataset ('ds')
%  - the neighborhood struct ('nbrhood')
%  - the function handle of the measure ('measure')
%  - the arguments to the measure ('measure_args')
% Assign the result to the variable 'full_output_alt' and display it
% contents using cosmo_disp

%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

%% Part 3: use cosmo_searchlight for split-half correlation differences

% This is a variation of part 2, showing how split-half correlation
% differences can be computed using a searchlight
% Note: this dataset has 10 chunks. The correlation measure will,
% by default, *not* do a 'simple' odd-even partitioning, but instead will
% use all possible splits of the 10 chunks in two groups of 5, yielding
% nchoosek(10,5) = 10! / (5!*5!) = 252 splits. Correlation diffences are
% computed for each split and then averaged.
% (to override this, you can specify a 'partitions' argument with, for
% example, the output of cosmo_oddeven_partitioner(ds,'half') ).

% Set the variable 'measure' to a function handle referring to
% cosmo_correlation_measure
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

% Run the searchlight using cosmo_searchlight, which takes the dataset,
% neighborhood and measure arguments. (No additional measure arguments are
% required for the correlation measure)

% Show the result

%% Part 4: (advanced) use cosmo_searchlight to get confusion matrices

% This exercise is like part 2 (classifation), but now
% classification confusions are computed and visualized
% set arguments for the measure, ensuring that the predictions (instead
% of classification accuracies) are returned

% apply searchlight using the dataset, neighborhood, measure, and measure
% arguments; store the result in 'ds_confusion'
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

% show contents of ds_confusion

% convert to array form (nclasses x nclasses x nrois, with nclasses=6 and
% nrois=2) and assign the result to a variable 'mx_confusion'
% Hint: use cosmo_confusion_matrix and apply it to 'ds_confusion' directly
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%

% visualize the confusion matrices

classes= {'monkey','lemur','mallard','warbler','ladybug','lunamoth'};
for k=1:nmatrices
    %%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%