%% Roi-based MVPA for single subject (run_split_half_correlations_single_sub)
% Load t-stat data from one subject, apply 'vt' mask, compute difference
% of (fisher-transformed) between on- and off diagonal split-half
% correlation values.
% # For CoSMoMVPA's copyright information and license terms, #
% # see the COPYING file distributed with CoSMoMVPA. #
%% Set analysis parameters
roi_label='vt'; % 'vt' or 'ev' or 'brain'
%% Computations
data_path=fullfile(study_path, subject_id);
% file locations for both halves
mask_fn=fullfile(data_path,[roi_label '_mask.nii']);
% load two halves as CoSMoMVPA dataset structs.
labels={'monkey'; 'lemur'; 'mallard'; 'warbler'; 'ladybug'; 'lunamoth'};
half1_ds.sa.labels = labels;
half2_ds.sa.labels = labels;
% Some sanity checks to ensure that the data has matching features (voxels)
% and matching targets (conditions)
nClasses = numel(half1_ds.sa.labels);
% get the sample data
% each half has six samples:
% monkey, lemur, mallard, warbler, ladybug, lunamoth.
% compute all correlation values between the two halves, resulting
% in a 6x6 matrix. Store this matrix in a variable 'rho'.
% Hint: use cosmo_corr (or builtin corr, if the matlab stats toolbox
% is available) after transposing the samples in the two halves.
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
% Correlations are limited between -1 and +1, thus they cannot be normally
% distributed. To make these correlations more 'normal', apply a Fisher
% transformation and store this in a variable 'z'
% (hint: use atanh).
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
% visualize the normalized correlation matrix
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
% Set up a contrast matrix to test whether the element in the diagonal
% (i.e. a within category correlation) is higher than the average of all
% other elements in the same row (i.e. the average between-category
% correlations). For testing the split half correlation of n classes one
% has an n x n matrix (here, n=6).
% To compute the difference between the average of the on-diagonal and the
% average of the off-diagonal elements, consider that there are
% n on-diagonal elements and n*(n-1) off-diagonal elements.
% Therefore, set
% - the on-diagonal elements to 1/n [positive]
% - the off-diagonal elements to -1/(n*(n-1)) [negative]
% This results in a contrast matrix with weights for each element in
% the correlation matrix, with positive and equal values on the diagonal,
% negative and equal values off the diagonal, and a mean value of zero.
% Under the null hypothesis one would expect no difference between the
% average on the on- and off-diagonal, hence correlations weighted by the
% contrast matrix has an expected mean of zero. A postive value for
% the weighted correlations would indicate more similar patterns for
% patterns in the same condition (across the two halves) than in different
% conditions.
% Set the contrast matrix as described above and assign it to a variable
% named 'contrast_matrix'
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
% sanity check: ensure the matrix has a sum of zero
if abs(sum(contrast_matrix(:)))>1e-14
error('illegal contrast matrix: it must have a sum of zero');
%visualize the contrast matrix
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
% Weigh the values in the matrix 'z' by those in the contrast_matrix
% (hint: use the '.*' operator for element-wise multiplication).
% Store the result in a variable 'weighted_z'.
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
% Compute the sum of all values in 'weighted_z', and store the result in
% 'sum_weighted_z'.
%%%% >>> Your code here <<< %%%%
%visualize weighted normalized correlation matrix
% For the advanced exercise
title(sprintf('Weighted Contrast Matrix m = %5.3f', sum_weighted_z))