CoSMoMVPA philosophy

Uniform representation of data

(This is inspired by PyMVPA).


Illustration of dataset input/output.

Store data in matrix form along with additional attributes of the data

  • each row in the matrix is a sample, also referred to as pattern.

  • each column in the matrix has data for a single feature (e.g. voxel, surface node, timepoint for a channel).

  • each row and column can have additional attributes, called sample attributes (such as condition or acquisition run number) and feature attributes (such as voxel location)

  • subsets of rows and columns (and the corresponding attributes) can be split or selected (optionally after matching), and combined), which makes many operations simple:

Illustration of dataset structure


Illustration of slicing rows (samples). In the masks, white elements are selected and black elements are not selected.


Illustration of slicing columns (features). In the masks, white elements are selected and black elements are not selected.

A searchlight analysis is as easy as ROI analysis

  • a searchlight is like a repeated ROI analysis, where data in each searchlight can be described by a neighborhood of features around a center feature.

  • this approach can be applied equally to volume-based fMRI, surface-based fMRI, and MEEG data (assuming a neighborhood can be defined for each feature).

  • a searchlight map is created simply by applying an MVPA measure to data in each searchlight.